Re: Unauthorized Poll for SPMBT
Not "ahistorical" since the NATO forces (and others) played exercises against each other. Just think of the casualties as being adjudicated by the umpires (DS staff, white hats) and/or MILES type laser gear.
I can recall being chased across Salisbury Plain by some "enemy" chieftains (with a DS staff landy following), when we were returning from a bn O group. They were heading into a hide area for one of our platoons, this resulted in Jocks popping up all over the place and indicating their presence, so as not to be run over!. 1/51 were on one side, the UK School of Armour cadre and some West German territorial paras were in the OPFOR. "A" company (us) inherited a lone ferret scout car we found out on weekend exercise from some TA Yeomanry unit. (Ferret scout car capacity, one officer cadet liaison orificer (moi), perched on the back deck, which was nice and warm on a cold night!). And I remember when the Germans were dropped, the exercise being temporarily put on hold with several "no duff" radio calls over the net for the medics to go deal with casualty calls on the paras..