"Marignon on the other hand had a great chance of a win and a great influence on the alliances in the game, which is why I was so upset."
Me too, in fact Marignon was at war vs. you which could have given a real chance to either Ulm or myself.
"Since Pythium attacked Marignon last turn the AI will fight back."
Well, actually the AI has attacked me first disregarding the NAP+6 Meglobob has agreed to just one turn earlier. And this, after a short but very costly war he has waged against me
"That leaves me to research away while Pythium has to deal with the crap the AI throws at him. If Wraithlord is a better player than me he might be able to deal with it swiftly and easily (unlike me with C'tis!) but Marignon does have large hordes...
Don't think there's any possible way to deal swiftly with the AI of a nation that has spent so *many* turns hoarding blood slaves. I don't know the extent of scouting you have on Marignon but I tell you, he has some unholy flying deamon armies. Hey, I'll do my best though
"Thus the predicament of Ulm - if things go bad in Pythium he'll have to attack me earlier than he would have had to pre-marignon AI, lest I get too powerful. Its no secret that he's my staunchest ally and is a largely the reason for my later game successes; I dont want to war on him, and I believe he doesnt want to attack me either. Now its pretty likely ulm will have to fight a lot earlier than expected if he still wants a chance to win himself.
Well, Ulm dropping out of contact (I also tried to PM him) indicates that this really doesn't matter. He could have made a difference, one way or another, but he is absent. While we're at it I suggest we give him another turn or two and if he doesn't appear by then we ask Zach to AI him as well.
"Anyway I'm happy to continue with the game even if it ends up in a duel between Wraithlord and I. I havent yet had the chance to play end game multiplayer so it will be good practice if anything, and wraithlord is most definitely more experienced so I'll surely learn a thing or two.
I was actually thinking along the same lines, meaning: you have an obvious advantage over me and are likely to win but even if I fight a loosing battle I'll learn a thing or two in the process what makes it worthwhile for me. As for my experience, it tells me you're in a good position to win.
But I hope I'll make work for it a bit
"I'm grateful for zach having a computer up 24/7 hosting the game, and its been a super-reliable connection. But admittedly there are other hosts who have the free time to deal with their player's needs more actively; Zach doesnt seem to read the boards or PM's too often going by what I have seen over the course of this game. Perhaps that makes people less inclined to ask him for help so they take the easy way of setting AI rather than finding a replacement.
Yeah, I guess you have a point there.