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Old March 2nd, 2008, 07:50 PM

Rathar Rathar is offline
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

A large mixed host of Satyrs, horse-men and shrieking Maeneds appeared over the crest of the low hill. Backed up by a jumbled mob of archer types and Dryads they poured into the valley below.

Awaiting them in fine order were a disciplined group of Retarii, Emerald guards and Principes. They in turn were stiffened by a full squadron of Arch-Theurgs and the lord of the snake-men himself.

Initial prayers were sent and blessings made the very sky shine with divine power. The Arch-Theurgs formed a single mind with their communions and began to rain paralysis upon the horse-men who had made contact with the Retarii and standard bearers of the legion. The frozen horse-men were easy pickings for nets, swords and pikes, but the unfrozen reaped an awful toll upon the newly freed slaves and their companions. Terrible though the price was the snake-mens right flank held against the onslaught.

The Snakes left flank was an even stiffer barrier to the nature lovers. The screaming female horde hurled themselves upon the extremely well armored Emerald Guards and Principes knowing that their individual chances were poor but hoping to tire out their opponents by forcing them to hack and thrust until they collapsed from exhaustion. A large group of Satyr javelinists hurled their missiles to little effect into the armored group but here and there men did fall with crude weapons protruding from their armor.

The Dryads sensing that here perhaps their songs of fear and fatigue would win them the day raced to the fore and began to sing their withering lullaby's causing brave snake worshippers to quail, their arms as lead. The exhausted fell in ones and twos to the nails of the women and the spears of the Satyrs but this flank did hold! The god of the snake worshippers, though crippled, made his rocky way through the middle of the battle trampling wailing women with his brand new boots and provided the force which finally broke the Pangean horde..

Fortunately for the Pangeans their speed in advance was matched by their speed in retreat and many fled the field vowing vengeance another day.

Pangean initial armies= 200+ with 10 leaders
Pythium fielded a bare 90 with 18 battle ready mages.


80 pangeans and their leaders fled the field while the snake-men held the ground with a bare 30 men but all of the mages survived. Oh and the snakemen cyclops took a vast 3 hps out of his 168.

Detailed enough?!
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 12:19 AM
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Hey all,

I have some stuff I've gotten in luck events. Black steel full plate, enchanted shield, Just Man's crossbow, ring of fire. We R'lyeans don't use any of that crap. Let me know if you want any of it. I'll trade it cheaply... maybe for some water or astral gems.
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Wow, you got all that? I have found a couple of artifacts so far, including a mysterious barrel. Upon opening the barrel, our mages discovered all that was inside was...air!
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Yeah, I usually get gold events with high luck, but this game, it's been mostly magic items. I just wish I could get something that I can actually use!
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Lingchih said:
Hey all,

I have some stuff I've gotten in luck events. Black steel full plate, enchanted shield, Just Man's crossbow, ring of fire. We R'lyeans don't use any of that crap. Let me know if you want any of it. I'll trade it cheaply... maybe for some water or astral gems.
All items are sold. Be quicker on that refresh button next time.
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 01:02 AM
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Foodstamp said:
Wow, you got all that? I have found a couple of artifacts so far, including a mysterious barrel. Upon opening the barrel, our mages discovered all that was inside was...air!
Hmm. A Barrel full of air. Interesting. That could be used to funnel troops down into our seas! Don't even think about it.
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 06:14 AM
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

IndyPendant said:
Ermor declares its intentions to rid the world of the filthy Abysians!

Earlier in this game, I made an offer to Abysia to exchange a specific province of mine for one of his. Abysia decided to...'translate' my offer into an invitation to conquer my province from me. When I clarified the point, I was ignored.

Ermor is patient, and the time has come for vengeance.

Abysia's greed probably violates the terms of our NAP, so that I need not give warning. But the Lord of the Dead will honour the terms of the NAP with this unworthy foe. It is currently Turn 18, with 36 hours to go. On turn 21, I will give the orders for my minions to invade.

--Vitae the Glorious, Lord of the Dead.
thats quite pathetic, but if you want war so be it.
i never violated our nap to be clear. you said i can have that prov back.

though its honorable that you will respect the 3 turn warning.

i offer peace to the people of Ulm, willing to pay reparations to the havoc my Armies have done

greetz Coobe
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 06:57 AM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Hrm. Exact text of the message I sent to coobe/Abysia, on Feb 21:
Indy neighbouring your capital? Wtf?!? ; )

Uhm...I just took an indy by your capital. You have a ton of provinces on the map; why was that one left indy?!? And there's another one right after it that I can attack!

I would be amenable to trading the one I have conquered for another province of yours, in the interests of peace between us--although your lack of response to my previous NAP offer bodes...ill. ; )

Vitae, Ermor, Priori game.
You know, you're right, I can clearly see how you could interpret that to mean I said you can have the province 'back'.
MP Guide to MA Ermor
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 07:05 AM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Rathar said:

Detailed enough?!
Ha! I managed to miss this somehow, up till now! That was much better than anything I was expecting. Thanks Rathar, I read it all through, and it was great! More of that, please. ; )

MP Guide to MA Ermor
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Old March 3rd, 2008, 11:03 AM

Hetzer Hetzer is offline
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Default Re: War of Vengeance!

Hmmm i seem to not been able to connect!
In the battle between good and evil, evil has more fun
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