So as I play more and see how the carefully crafted plans of the early to mid game can mean nothing against SCs and certain patented strategies (Chalice/Tartarians), I wonder what if anything can be done to counter. Here is what I just experienced in Capuchin:
TC attacks my huge Niefelheim army with just his Pretender, the Celestial General, who has cast Ritual of Returning upon himself and holds Unquenched (creates Heat from Hell).
His first action is to cast Mists of Deception, then I am assuming the Heat from Hell damages his pretender so the Ritual of returning kicks him home. There is a message that says TC is routed. Good riddance I say but then to my shock Niefelheim's entire army runs around fighting the illusionary warriors from the Mist for what seems like forever amidst the Heat from Hell. Oh the horror!
Even though TC's pretender vanishes, the Mist and Heat spells remain in effect. The battle goes so long I cannot even bear to finish watching it as my beloved Niefels drop like flies from fatigue and eventually get the message Niefelheim is routed.
Huge Niefel army is slaughtered.
What could I have done to stop this? Is this a well-known end game move?
It seems he can just do this to all my armies one by one...
Perhaps I am just a victim of not having researched and acquired the right artifacts. If the only way to counter these moves is to imitate them, then the game becomes a little less appealing.