
March 28th, 2008, 04:46 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
I think I´d really enjoy roleplaying evil. I suppose the evil players are supposed to really act evil in the game.
I understand the rule about no communication, but it kind of hampers the evil roleplaying possibilities. Like lying and stabbing allies in the back and other very evil things, but I guess it might be necessary.

March 28th, 2008, 04:47 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
Maybe we should raise Neutrals to 3 players as well? That doesn't hurt evil too bad, because they might even fight amongst themselves at some point.
Also, we could raise Evil to 9 players. Then it would be 8 (5+3) v 9 in the beginning. Good would really rely on the neutrals to not be overwhelmed. Of course we should maybe wait to see if we get that many players.

March 28th, 2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
I'd like to play if there are any slots left. I prefer the good guys but am okay with the other factions.
I like how CUnkown balanced out the Good vs Neutral vs Evil factions with different advantages and victory conditions. Of course we can all talk philosophically about what good and evil mean forever, but it looks like it will be an interesting gameplay element.

March 28th, 2008, 05:14 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
Moderation! It is good to see you here! after all your strong defense of honor and "right" on these forums its thematic! 
"Talk is cheap, but if it keeps your belly full and your grave empty it is worth more than gold." - Lords of Magic Manual.
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March 28th, 2008, 05:56 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
Ha! I had logged back in to check to see if I could change my nation from Neutral MA Ermor to Good MA Ulm. Doh! If you ever change your mind, CUnknown, I'd like to switch. ; ) Otherwise, I'll stay as I am.
Suggestion: Allow good nations to trade *away* any death gems and/or blood slaves to the neutral nations?

March 28th, 2008, 06:13 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
Making it work:
Evil Players:
Rather than counting on 'sportmanship' to make evil players follow the rules, let's give them a simple, logical, reason to be paranoid maniacs.
The victory conditions for each evil race are simple:
1.Eliminate all good and neutral players.
2.In order for an evil nation to win, the one aspect of the evil god that their evil aspect of the god truly hates must be defeated. This evil nation is their secret enemy.
In plain terms, each evil nation is told, on recieving Turn 1, which evil nation is it's secret enemy and must be defeated in order for them to win. Keeping this in mind, each evil race is free to share whatever information they like with other evil nations during pretender creation.
A few explanations:
A.There are no face-offs. The evil nation that you must destroy DID NOT recieve your nation as it's secret enemy. Thus, the nation that you must defeat is the only evil nation that you can be certain is not out to destroy you.
B.If all good and neutral players are eliminated, and only evil nation A has been eliminated, then only one evil nation wins, the evil nation that had evil nation A as it's secret enemy.
C.In no evil nations have been eliminated at the time all good and neutral nations have been eliminated, a wild internal fight will break out until one evil nation achieves the victory conditions. That evil nation is the only winner. The only exception is if multiple evil nations are eliminated in the same turn.
D.If more than one evil nation has been defeated at the time all good and neutral nations have been eliminated, then all the evil nations that have eliminated their enemy evil nation win.
That should keep the evil nations playing evil.
Neutral Nations:
To keep them from being elinated immediately, each neutral nation should start with 15 immobile Watchers in their capital. This makes rushing them virtually impossible.
Good Nations:
Given the problems added to evil nations, and the difficulty of a neutral nation defeating everyone else, a complete ban on Death and Blood is reasonable. A ban on blood-hunting to a nation with no blood hunters isn't very much of a restriction anyway. You are the only nations who can completely work together and don't have to worry about trying to kill each other. If you can't make that work, then your going to lose! However, banning non-death non-blood spells in addition is over the top.

March 28th, 2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
IndyPendant said:
Suggestion: Allow good nations to trade *away* any death gems and/or blood slaves to the neutral nations?
Slave trading sounds a bit evil.
The idea for evil nations is interesting, but I think it might be a bit to complicated, on top of the current game system. I'm also not sure neutrals really need a bunch of watchers.

March 28th, 2008, 06:23 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
I like that addition to the evil nations. It would be more fun than not being able to communicate.

March 28th, 2008, 06:23 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
Woah awesome idea, Drake49!
It makes me think I would have to drop out and be a full-time host, though. Someone would have to distribute the secret enemies.
Also, I worry that it might nerf Evil too badly, though.. maybe Good should drop back down to 4 players. It would make extra sense for me to drop out, then.
Let's consider these options, not make any concrete plans yet.
Edit: Actually, I think what would happen would be, Evil would ignore their secret enemies until Good is destroyed, then ignore Neutral until very late. These secret enemies are great for Neutral, horrible for Good. Good might should be able to keep 5 players.
I disagree with the 15 watcher idea, too. The Neutrals will be pretty stout already with 1500 gold and an iron mine, lol.

March 28th, 2008, 06:28 PM
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Re: Global War, recruiting!
The secret enemy idea is intriguing. It reminds me of those murder mystery games. Very interesting!
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