Llamabeast has been in touch in regards to when he heads off on holidays leaves reasonably soon which means we don't have the usual 5 days to recruit people.
But anyway hopefully we will get another 4 today/tonight and we can play an 8 player on Parganos.
So no VP's, standard victory.
If you can't get enough players in time I can set it up to start when it either has N pretenders, or at a set date/time, in my absence. That should probably be fine.
MA Pangaea, please. I've only finished one set of 3 games, and had started another set when I lost access to dominions for some time, so if I don't qualify, fair enough.
Well by my reckoning that gives you 4 and a half games so you definitely qualify. But the 0 to 5 games is really just a guideline. I just don't want guys who have played heaps of games getting on crushing the newbies so to speak.
By the way with Llamabeasts imminent departure I have had to make some executive decisions in regards to the game.
I have edited the top post to reflect this.
I also recommend that you don't allow water nations. I have a version of my Parganos map with "dead seas" which means the seas provide no income or gems. I think that works well.