Be good to know if he is going to be AI before turns get submitted though. AI may not be all that bright, but he is a little more cunning than someone who stands still and doesn't spend his taxes.
Llama took care of it. Anyone can actually set a nation to AI, you just have to resend their turn to another email, but if someone currently in the game does it I think it has a chance of making their real nation stale because of copy protection or something. I managed to set Atlantis to AI when he left earlier without any damage but I didn't want to risk it again.
Due to Lack of time and RL commitments I am going to have to sub this one out.
Arco is in a great spot and have just about conquered the giants.
Now if only we could keep the Vulturous Agarthians away from our spoils of victory.
Anyway not sure how to go about finding a sub, does anyone know anyone?