Looks like Dom3 DB v3.15 has suffered a rather tragic fate. I came home from work to find it stabbed and bludgeoned and lying unconscious and dying in the Dom3/doc folder, bleeding units stats, display formulas, glossary entries and various other entries all over the other files residing there. What a mess.
The culprit wasn't too hard to find, though, as it was sitting right there in the middle of it all with a very satisfied, if not downright smug look on its face. So now that the folder has been cleaned up, the old corpse reanimated and sent off to the DB graveyard, there is a new Pretender to the throne of DB realm:
The Dominions 3 Database v3.17
All hail the new Lord and Master!
Seriously, the little debacle a couple of weeks back actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the community, though it certainly did not look like it at the time. With the DB removed from public distribution for a while, I had a chance to reevaluate several things and it shows.
The new Dom3 DB is substantially different from the old one. Not in content, all the old stats are there along with the other stuff. The look is nowhere near the old one, though. It should also be much easier to reference.
CHANGES- BaseU table completely rearranged and formatting unified, extra columns eliminated. The reorganization will also serve future needs for other things.
- AllUnits display page completely rearranged to match BaseU table
- Grouping of abilities in both pages is now categorical, more or less in line with the groupings in Dom3 UORMM v3.17 so that it is easier to form a coherent picture of what kinds of things the creatures can do in a specific category
- New columns for Shattered Soul, Corrupt Commander and a couple of other things
- All formulas updated to reflect new organization, several formulas tweaked. Old age information in Dom3 DB v3.15 is NOT reliable due to formula not having been updated. Fear formula does not take into account that D5 gives any unit fear, too complicated. Fireshield mechanics are less straightforward than has been apparent, so that column is to be taken with salt. See the Credits/Notes page.
- Army List page thoroughly revamped for easier readability and referencing, including nation numbers and lists for the new nations.
- New page: Flysprites, courtesy of Saulot
- Magic Masks page has all numeric masks for all possible combinations of magic except for Holy, which cannot be used in custom magic masks. If holy is fixed, new masks will be added later. Currently you can get the numbers by adding the base holy number to an existing mask.
- New units for the new nations and summons, obviously
- Statfixes for some missing things and for the low level priest morale and MR stats for all eras. There may be some overlooked errors on that score, but most have been caught.
- Page removed: Pretenders. Old, outdated, pain in the *** to maintain and just wouldn't cooperate without a massive hassle, so I axed it. PretenderSummary is still there.
That should be about the size of it. The new DB will only be available from the attachment in this thread. It will no longer be uploaded to the webspace where it used to be. The attachment contains the full DB file in Open Office format as well as static versions (i.e. no formulas, just numeric/text data) in both Open Office and Microsoft Office format.
If you find any errors or have other feedback, please let me know in this thread.