
June 20th, 2008, 09:47 PM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
Ooh, I want in, I'll take Arcoscephale.

June 21st, 2008, 12:07 AM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I've been wanting to give Mictlan a try... with the additional caveat that I'd really prefer playing on a medium random map and default settings, like 5 for indy strength. Is there any reason why this is the chosen map? Also, is there any reason why you have pushed indy strength to 7? That can throw a lot of things out of balance! Improved indy strength is fun for SP but it can really hurt MP, in my opinion.
And the same goes for the 55 site frequency... this places a lot of emphasis on magic, so bless nations and nations with powerful troops, or even nations without a lot of magic diversity will be thrown very much out of whack. Failing changing things to default, could we at least have your reasons for doing so? It doesn't look good in the Hall of Honor when you have to put asterisks next to your win!

June 21st, 2008, 04:57 AM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I'd like to join as Fomoria please. Happy with most of the settings suggested, although I've never played a game with sites as high as 55, so no idea what effect that will have on the game over the longhaul.

June 21st, 2008, 05:40 AM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I've gotta say K, I think if you play in this you will thrash them all easily. After all you are well known as a competent MP player.
If you'd like a new MP game though, I can easily set one up. Any preferences? Seriously, I will always set a game up for someone if they want one. Even if you're not willing to admin, we should always be able to find someone to admin, being as it's a small job.

June 21st, 2008, 05:50 AM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I'd like to play as Niefelheim! Settings are fine by me.

June 21st, 2008, 07:28 AM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
im updating thread now for new players.
K, i'm leaving you out for now, until your little convo with llama is resolved ok? 
if you dont end up setting up another game, i dont have any problem with you playing here, but, then again, this game wont go into any hall of fame or rankings or whatever there is and it certainly wont be fun for a veteran to play here...it'll be like playing against normal or difficult SP AI probably, at the most, hehehe....(well, i still have problem beating AI on difficult, especially with some nations).

June 21st, 2008, 03:10 PM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I am as new as new can be...I wanted Sauromantia but it is already taken.
I will take Marverni as I have read Baal'z guide and its the only other tribe I have played SP.
Nevr have played MP and will probably be cannon fodder but I need to get my feet wet somewhere.
I have never played MP in thi sgame but am used to LONG games as I plaed AACW and MOO2 Pbem.
I do have One problem...I am somewhat computer challenged and am trying to figure out how to send my Pretender to the Host.
My GF is a whiz so any help and I will be ok.
I will go and read llamabeast's rules and hope you have need for a "The charge of the Dumb Brigade" in your game.
Thanks!!!! Grudgebringer

June 21st, 2008, 05:39 PM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
Parganos seems fine.
Smaller maps are more fun, since it means less micro later on.

June 21st, 2008, 05:45 PM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I'm in  give me 5 minutes to pick a side 

June 21st, 2008, 05:49 PM
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Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I would ilke Lanka please 
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