narf poit chez BOOM said:
15 + Con score is 29 - Where's the extra 5 HP come from?
Oh - If you dropped the torches, you could afford plate. The Standard Adventurers' Kit...Wait a minute, SAK?
Well, you've got sunrods in that sack you're carrying around...
Now that's a witty and appropriate acronym!
As already noted, Toughness and I'm not proficient with plate. I could spend a feat on plate proficiency, but that would require freeing up enough points from strength to boost con to 15. 1 point of AC now instead of at level 4 vs 1 point of attack and damage for all time, I think I'll take the attack and damage boost.
The SAK includes sunrods? I hadn't noticed that little detail. Oh well, torches are cheap anyway - 1 sp each.
narf poit chez BOOM said:
Just to note, secondary statistics are more important in 4e - Check the powers list; if you've got a 20 in a stat, which I remember in a couple sheets, you may want to diversify.
For Fighters, not so much. Wisdom gives a small boost (attack bonus on opportunity attacks) and your choice of weapon gives one secondary ability score. Nothing else gives any benefit beyond the base that everyone gets.
narf poit chez BOOM said:
We'll have to reschedule, the idiot who runs the game forgot a doctors' appointment.
Would either later today or tomorrow work? My weekend's open.