narf poit chez BOOM said:
Did you know that great apes may get human rights in Spain?
about time I say!
Not going to help them though: They still torture bulls to death every Sunday.
Now I shall
sing you part of a song in honor of our fellow primates and our beloved simian brothers and sisters.
*Throat-clearing.* Ahem.
And I know there’s a monkey in the future for you,
And there’s nothing modern science can do.
Keeping the thumb but I’m getting dumb,
I’m devolving, I’m devolving,
I am de-evolving.
Why get so angry at me?
I don't understand how you expect me to defend my actions
Knowing what you now know.
Monkey one and monkey two,
Monkey me and monkey you,
Monkey see and monkey
Do you still love me
Now that I’m a monkey?"