(Writings of a great People called the Maverni found in a cave)
The Sun has set upon the people
The children have gone into the void bravely as has all of our Warriors and our race.
Our Pretender, DARK-OMEN stands alone for one last battle.
It is better to perish by the hand of a friend than to be enslaved by the Enenmy.
But a rumor has surfaced that the Son of one Noble has been spirted away to be hidden until such a time as he will start a quest to regain the throne.
We have scorched what land is left to us so as to give no comfort to the victors.
We thank our dear allies for thier attenpted help in our time of need and they will be rewarded in thier time.
As I am the last of the people and my sight dims as the blood flows out of my veins, I will softly say that The Maverni never retreated and never surrendered.
Three Toed Pete Prophet to the people [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon19.gif[/img]