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Old August 4th, 2008, 05:58 AM
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Default Re: Waiting for game info hang

Ermor can't stop justifing his unrightful invasion by stating in all his proclamations that Agartha the Mild Mannered declared war. Has Ermor a bad consience? The future god, Helena, will judge over that matter when judgmentday comes.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 02:03 PM

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Default the 300 Pythians

Stories will be told of how the valiant few, we shall call them the 300 Pythians, in the last defense of their homes,
starving, and cut off from the rest of the Empire, underwater, besieged, and the walls of their pitiful Kelp Fortress uprooted, had to fight off the hordes of the evil Ryleh Dynasty.

The Ryleh ranks bolstered by numerous enslaved Mother Guards and War Lobsters, and too many mind blasters to count, A few brave Pythians who had ventured under the waves made a go of it, along with some tritons who desired to throw off the yoke of tyranny that the starspawns had thrown over them.

Knowing that it was slavery or death, the tritons fought bravely to the last-none survived. Inspired by them the water trolls took up triton King's fallen Banner and led the way to victory.

Though evil has been defeated this day, the Pythium mages know it must be faced again, because evil armies darken the horizon like locusts.....

Who will face the never-ending cold brought from the dead of space to this fair world if not Pythium? Though darkness has triumphed temporarily over light, having killed many angels, Pythium's mages will continue the struggle-with or without angels at their side.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 06:43 PM
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HELENA... IS... DEAD! Agartha weeps... little comfort comes from the fact that the Ermorian siegeforce was driven off the gates of Agartha. OH HELENA! We pray for your return! Oh Helena! The Agarthian statuecrafters will gather the pieces and glue them together again! OH HELENA what shall we do without your guidance!

Btw: since about a week or so I have severe graphical glitches. Anyone else?
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Old August 4th, 2008, 11:44 PM
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Our condolences on the death of Helena. We told you she could stay in Ermor unharmed.

And oh, we will take that as a declaration of War, C'tis. did you really feel you needed to bring 7 Tartarians? 4 would have probably done the trick. It was only a wraith lord and some cronies in Agartha.
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Old August 7th, 2008, 12:27 AM

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Default Cannot connect to server again

Is there anyone objecting to going to 48 hour hosting? With server issues this game really needs to end.

I know Ryleh had wanted 72 hours, but he only has 12 provinces now. And he is a good player. So he can do his turn in 48 hours. If not, it is not because of this game's demands on his time. Which is the relevant reference for setting the hosting time. Not time demands that arise from other games or real life.

If those become too burdensome, then a sub or ai is the answer.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
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Old August 7th, 2008, 12:30 AM

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Default Re: Cannot connect to server again

I would like 72 hour hosting. Late game with 48 hour turn just seems insane to me. BTW the server is up again.
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Old August 7th, 2008, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Cannot connect to server again

48 hour. Let's get it over with. Or all just give up.

We did that in another recent MP game of mine. We all just said, you know, this is going to take forever. Let's just call it a draw.
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Old August 7th, 2008, 01:33 AM

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Default Re: Cannot connect to server again

Server is back up. And I would like to thank Gandalf for manually resetting the game timer and not adding another 72 hours to the game's length.

Ctis' empire is big enough that it is reasonable to request 72 hours. I am fine with that.

But I did not want the game held up an extra 24 hours a turn for a nation with 12 provinces-no offense to the ryleh who has played an excellent game. And mp games on 330 province maps take months to finish. What has been aggravating for me is the server unreliability issues.
Velusion's server had issues, and his heart had long since left the game.

compounding the problem is every time a tcp/ip server goes down, and is reset, the timer starts anew. Which means the time between turns is not 72 hours, but many times 72 plus 60 plus 40. It just gets ridiculous.

Unless you are gandalf, of course, who is kind enough to manulally reset the timer back to where it should be.

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
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Old August 7th, 2008, 02:07 AM

konming konming is offline
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Default Re: Cannot connect to server again

Moving to PBEM shall solve most of the problems.
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Old August 7th, 2008, 02:47 AM
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Default Re: Cannot connect to server again

konming said:
Moving to PBEM shall solve most of the problems.
Move to PBEM? What are you talking about konming? Gandalf's server is a TCP server.
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