I'm in need of a new middle age game and since I can't find one I figured I'd start one. My hope is to use the llamaserver. Visit the
llamabeast FAQ on how to make a pretender and join a game using the llamaserver. The game is open to all experience levels. Further details listed below:
Age: middle
Worthy Heros 1.8
Latest Version (3.1)
Players: 12
Renaming: allowed
All Other Settings: default
Nation/Player Update:
Abyssia / hoo (anticipatient)
Arcoscephale / fungalreason (nozshand)

Ashod / Calahan
Bandar Log / konming
Caelum / JimMorrison
Mictlan / AreaOfEffect
Man / Fakeymcfake
Pangaea / PsiSoldier

Pythium / chrispedersen

Ry'leh / Jazzepi
Ulm / Deadnature
Vanheim / 46852

: Eliminated