
August 22nd, 2008, 01:45 AM
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Dominions Rogue
I'll always update this post's attachment so it is always newest release
Dominions Rogue needs colors!
it would be great help if people could get the color for each nation and post them. Use a design program like Gimp or the Online Color Wheel and get the colors for each nation. Post them in this thread. If you use the color wheel, you will need to take the results and use a hex decoder to find out the color in RGB format.
the Color Wheel (results are in Hex. first two alphanumeric are red, second two green, last two blue. Take this to the Hex to RGB site and get the RGB)
Hex to RGB
Below are the nations, what colors we have, and what we need.
0 -- Arco EA -- color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
1 -- Ermor EA -- color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
2 -- Ulm EA -- color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
3 -- Mav EA
4 -- Sauro EA
5 -- TC EA
6 --
7 -- Mict EA
8 -- Aby EA -- color.new('ABYSIA_RED', '.', color.ABYSIA_RED, 187, 00, 00)
9 -- Caelum EA
10 -- C'tis EA -- color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)
11 -- Pan EA
12 -- Agartha EA
13 -- TNO EA
14 -- Fomo EA
15 -- Van EA
16 -- Hel EA
17 -- Nief EA
18 -- Kailasa EA
19 -- Yomi EA
20 -- Hinnom EA
21 -- Atlantis EA
22 -- R'lyeh EA
23 --
24 --
25 --
26 -- Oceania EA
27 -- Arco MA -- color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
28 -- Ermor MA -- color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
29 -- Pyth MA
30 -- Man MA
31 -- Ulm MA -- color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
32 -- Mari MA
33 -- Mict MA
34 -- TC MA
35 -- Mach MA
36 -- Agartha MA
37 -- Aby MA -- color.new('ABYSIA_RED', '.', color.ABYSIA_RED, 187, 00, 00)
38 -- Caelum MA
39 -- C'tis MA -- color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)
40 -- Pan MA
41 -- Van MA
42 -- Jotun MA
43 -- Bandar MA
44 -- Shin MA
45 -- Ashdod MA
46 -- Atlantis MA
47 -- R'lyeh MA
48 -- Oceania MA
49 -- Arco LA -- color.new('ARCOS_BLUE', '.', color.ARCOS_BLUE, 0, 208, 200)
50 -- Ermor LA -- color.new('ERMOR_PURPLE', '.', color.ERMOR_PURPLE, 96, 52, 120)
51 -- Man LA
52 -- Ulm LA -- color.new('EA_ULM_BLUE', '.', color.EA_ULM_BLUE, 80, 104, 136)
53 -- Mari LA
54 -- Mict LA
55 -- TC LA
56 -- Jomon LA
57 -- Agartha LA
58 -- Aby LA -- color.new('ABYSIA_RED', '.', color.ABYSIA_RED, 187, 00, 00)
59 -- Caelum LA
60 -- C'tis LA -- color.new('EA_CTIS_GREEN', '.', color.EA_CTIS_GREEN, 96, 144, 48)
61 -- Pan LA
62 -- Mid LA
63 -- Utgard LA
64 -- Patala LA
65 -- Gath LA
66 -- Atlantis LA
67 -- R'Lyeh LA
68 -- Lanka EA
69 -- Eriu MA
70 -- Pyth LA
To play, download the attachment from this post, and place it in the modules folder of the T-Engine. T-Engine can be got from the ToME/T-Engine website below.
Last edited by Omnirizon; August 29th, 2008 at 03:21 PM..
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August 22nd, 2008, 02:51 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
Are you using Tome 2.3.5 or 2.3.6? I am trying to track down where and what to download on the tome.net forums. I may be blind but its not jumping out what exactly to download. Thanks, I am looking forward to checking this out.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.

August 22nd, 2008, 02:55 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
you need tome 3.0.0
this is confusing, because this is the newest iteration of tome, yet 2.x.x is still updated (in fact, on the site i think it is the most recently updated item)
this link should take you to it

August 22nd, 2008, 04:58 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
This is something I've been fantasizing of for a long time. Sounds really exciting
Now, to check it out.
Thanks for making this.

August 22nd, 2008, 05:00 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
Can you please tell how do I make this run?

August 22nd, 2008, 05:30 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
*shudders in anticipation*
Now, between Dominions 3, Dwarf Fortress and Dominions Rogue, I'm almost definitely going to fail year 11. Thanks!

August 22nd, 2008, 10:15 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
Originally Posted by WraithLord
Can you please tell how do I make this run?
For Windows, I downloaded the attached, which I found through Omni's link - it seems to be the latest version of tome. Then I saved his attachment (just the Windows version) called Dominions into the game/modules sub-directory of tome.
I was slain in 30 seconds by a longdead...

i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.
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August 22nd, 2008, 10:41 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
wraith lord:
i'm not sure what your exact problem is, can you be more specific?
also, I don't know what the folder structure of tome 3 looks like on PC, so I may not be much help there.
1. make sure you have TOME 3, get it from the link i posted above.
2. find the modules folder, you may have to run the executable once, so it makes one
3. place the unzipped dominions file in the modules folder; alternatively, change the extension on the zipped file to .team
also note, you can install modules by running the game, and selecting install modules. however for me, it never places them in the correct location, and I have to do it manually. so maybe to keep things simple just try getting the file I attached to this post and installing it manually.
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August 22nd, 2008, 10:44 AM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
Originally Posted by DonCorazon
Originally Posted by WraithLord
Can you please tell how do I make this run?
For Windows, I downloaded the attached, which I found through Omni's link - it seems to be the latest version of tome. Then I saved his attachment (just the Windows version) called Dominions into the game/modules sub-directory of tome.
I was slain in 30 seconds by a longdead...

har har
yeah. the game is pretty hard, given the dominions combat mechanics.
but just imagine how it will be once you can kit yourself out like a thug or SC...

August 22nd, 2008, 12:11 PM
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Re: Dominions Rogue
Isn't this redundant? Dominions already is a roguelike!
(If you've ever had your fonts spaz out on you while playing dominions, you know what I'm talking about -- the troop sprites are put on the screen by text functions!)
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