hmm just wrote this to someone asking a question, might as well share my opinion with the world though:
OK I've read the thread on MA Jotun and it seems good, no advices that seem strange (some guide do have those)
Anyway I can't say much for end game Jotun play but I've tried an idea of my own and it worked pretty well.
Awake cyclops, dominion 9
9 earth magic
Order 3, Sloth 3, Cold 3, Death 1, misfor. 1, Magic 1
I would try this one and then also try the one the creator fo the guide uses and maybe even a dual bless.
If you use 1 bless then earth is always a good option and for an earth bless the cyclops is always the best choice.
a few things: with sloth 3 you can get few troops the first turns so you MIGHT also try S 2 and misfortune 2 for a bit better start. The misfortune will be more of a problem in the long run so if you doubt it when testing I'd go for the one above.
recruit a vaetti hag first turn and a few of the sacreds (as much as possible) 2nd turn you recruit a gode and some more woodsmen.
I've quite some experience with awake cyclopses and I'll share this with you: a dominion 9 cyclops with 9 earth magic has 29 prot and awe 0. this is good. once you see the lands surrounding your capitol (turn 2 that is) he should be able to expand.
Be carefull with him (also experiment with this in your test game it will be usefull in much MP games since you'll probably use the cyclops often) he can take most lvl 5 str indies. but ALWAYS attack the weakest you can find. NEVER ATTACK barbarians of cavalry and be carefull if there are > 50 units (though if they are weak he usually can deal with them)
So your cyclops starts expanding.
turn 3 you will have about 6 woodsmen and a gode (set him on bless, bless, bless and the woodsmen around him on wait and attack except when there are lots fo archers and you want to rush the enemy) they should be able to attack weak surrounding province (basicly the same guide as for your cyclops, leave heavy cav and barbs alone, take them later in the game when you have bigger armies.
try to expand quickly getting more income. Buy vaetti hags or gygja's, your research won't be the best btw, prettty bad actually.
expand outward and not insist on taking the province near your capitol, if possible just take them later, they will be there those closer to the enemy won't.
If you encounter the enemy you either attack right away or offer a NAP. Attacking is a gamble but can be worth while. If you attack then just keep training troops and push for enemy capital. If you NAP all neighbours try to get a 2nd castle end of first year and a 3th maybe soon after so you can train a gygja and some vatti hags so you can get something of research going.
The awake SC should give you a decent expansion by himself, all the troops do is bonus. Just be carefull with him and try to get him a magic weapon (his fist weapon really sucks and a shield before taking on the stronger provinces) I usually for get that I must admit but it improves his combat abilities. Once all indies are gone he can research, site search or throw bladewinds in battle etc etc
As the guide says try to set up a blood econ there are good guide on that on the board (and in the strat index I think)
Mixing vaetti with the woodsmen might be a good idea (as the guide says) personally I think the gygja can do manual site searching pretty well if you have one with 2x2 and 1 or 3 and 2 in paths. )or even better the rare 2,2,2
All I could find out in this (damn) 30 min (bedtime for me) but I think it's actually all you need. you'll just need to try the different start and see what suits you best. (especially experiment with what a certain number of sacreds can take and what not, same for the cyclops)