"And here comes in the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared, or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both; but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved."
Game started! Principe's page on llamaserver at: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=Principe
Instructions for playing your turn here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...17&postcount=3
Last moment change: as there are no water nations, the population of all sea provinces, and all the things that come with it, are reduced. Gems remain untouched, though.
Welcome here and thanks for giving a look.
This game aims to be an experiment for two, important, aspects. Don't fear, my honourable newbie brothers!

Read further and I'm sure you will be interested.
The first experiment, as the name of the game itself says, is the diplomacy, which will be
"Machiavellian". What does it mean?
Maybe you've heard about Niccolò Machiavelli. This man was a diplomat, political philosopher, musician, poet and playwright, who lived in the Renaissance and, along with Leonardo Da Vinci, is considered among the most representative men of that period. (Both of them happen to be from my native lands, also

Machiavelli wrote a world famous book, "Il Principe", which (among its different interpretations) can be read as a guide for the prince of Machiavelli's time on how to gain and maintain his power. The strong point of his theories are that the greatest moral good is a stable state, and actions to protect the country are therefore justified even if they are dishonourable or even cruel.
How does it apply to Dom3? It does apply and greatly. In Dominions 3, in the end, there can be only one. All the alliances and the peace treaties sooner or later must end. So why not to end our beautiful friendship backstabbing you when you don't expect it?

In many games, you would be considered an unworthy player if you do so. Those are the rules and are ok for those games.
Not here. In this game, all the treaties are mere words.
Sounds scary? It is. But it can be great fun

Why is your neighbour using all those kind words? Is he roleplaying his Lady of Love, or is he preparing to raid your provinces in a couple of turns?
This is the kind of diplomatic situation you will face in this world: make friendship with everybody freely, but always watch your back. Feel free to roleplay your honourable ancient Dragon, your crazy and double-tongued Moloch, or your "smite all evil NOW" Virtue. Expect everything, because everything can happen.
The other experiment is the game itself. This will probably not be the game you're used to. Around your capitol, there is a large breathing space of independent provinces. Money, resources and supplies are high. Magic sites are abundant, and magic research is easy.
The point of all this? Easy. In this game we will try to skip a good part of the usual early game skirmishes between players with little magic and few troops, to have a solid impact with the realities the newer players have a more difficult time getting into: mid and late game, where the big battalions, the strong summons, the amazing battle magic start to matter and shine.
It will not be easy as well. It will require planning, skill, and even luck. You will have to stop thinking about "the next turn", and start thinking about what you want to have in your armies in 5, 10, 20 turns.
I conceived it as a way to learn everybody a lot. If you've read the manual's strategic part and you're wondering when you will be called to enter that dance of moves and countermoves, tactics and counter-tactics, this is the place we will learn before getting into the gurus' arenas!

It is an opportunity and a hard challenge you just shouldn't give up - because here we're newbies and many errors will be "forgiven", but next time you might be facing a minmaxing maniac

Ok, I've gone to great lenghts

But I hope you are interested in this maybe slightly unusual game now, and prepared for what you'll face.
Server: Llamaserver, PBEM (FAQ here:
Map: AomOrc 3.01 by Ballbarian (very interesting and nice map, get it at
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=31509 )
Nations: We are 10 land nations, didn't find the 2 water ones
Players's experience: possibly from 0 to 5 MP games (but even more if we have trouble filling it); just ask anyway.
Time: 48 hours per turn (a day you don't feel like or don't have the time to play can always happen

) and of course quick host.
Era: Early Age
Hall of fame: 15
Mods: CBM 1.3 complete (get it at
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39679, and don't fear! It's popular, user-friendly and balances the game a bit)
Victory Conditions: Whenever the players still alive agree there's a definite, undeniable winner
Magic sites' frequency: 65
Money, Resources, Supplies: 150%
Renaming: On
Graphs: Off (you have to figure out yourself, investing in scouts and intelligence, what are the real strenghts and weaknesses of the other princes, if you wish so)
Appreciated: To roleplay actively, and to keep the thread alive posting things about the game
Ballbarian's unofficial comment: "Sounds like fun to me.

To join, just say which nation you would like to try

I take Agartha.
Well, I think this is everything. I hope you enjoyed the reading and you are interested in joinin. For any doubt just ask

Let's have fun
- Tifone will try to avoid the extinction of the Ancient Oracles of Agartha -
Ershalim has vanished. Now
slayers_ai has choosen to ordain and supervise the Blood Cult of
Klepto leads the legions of
Ermor to the conquest of the world
- Psykmoe from the Smouldercone spreads the cleansing flames of Abysia -
- hunt11 emerges from the the netherworld to feed Yomi's gluttony -
Illuminated One has gathered the tribes of
Marverni; the druids recognize his primate.
Iwarmonger tames the hydras, gaining the confidence of the Androphags and the Amazons of
- Spritz reins the Mammoth and the thunder, on top of the cold peaks of Caelum -
Ephraim has survived the winter and the Wheel of Pain, becoming the new champion of
Mithras arises from the glacier to expand the Eternal Frost of