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Old November 12th, 2008, 08:30 AM
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Default Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

I was getting tired of working on really big projects and only getting one *mostly* done, every few months, so I decided to do a quick little sortof-mod for Yomi: Oni Kings.

From left to right they are:
Onryō, (Female spirit of vengeance.) Hp 19 Size 3 Str 18 Att 10 Def 8 Prot 3 (2) Mor 12 Mov. 16/2 MR 7 Prec 9 Weapons: Fist, Fist Armour: Funeral Dress (Prot 2). Undead. Berserk (1).

Rokurokubi, (Long-necked spirit.) Hp 15 Size 2 Str 12 Att 12 Def 9 Prot 4 (2) Mor 9 Mov. 12/2 MR 14 Prec 9 Weapons: (Spirit-Bite-Damage: Lifedrain, Length 6). Armour: Robes (Prot 2). Undead. Regenerates 5% (if undead can regenerate, I can't remember). Unlike other undead, the Rokurokubi is only 25% resistant to Poison and Cold damage.

Akurojin-no-hi, (An etherial spirit of fire that causes disease by touch). Hp 4 Size 1 Str 4 Att 8 Def 15 Prot 0 (0) Mor 11 Mov. 24/2 MR 9 Prec 9 Weapons: Pestilent Touch (1 point Fire damage, Causes Disease, Length 3). Armour: None. Etherial. Undead. Heat Aura (3). Storm Strength (2). Fire Resistant (125%). If GoRed, Akurojin-no-hi have 1 Fire and 1 Death, but only 1 Head slot and no Misc.

Yuki-onna, (A female spirit of winter ice) Hp 9 Size 2 Str 9 Att 10 Def 12 Prot 4 (4) Mor 10 Mov. 12/2 MR 15 Prec 9
Weapons: Icy Breath (does 3 points Cold damage (no Str). Range 6 (no Str). Ammo 3). Armour: None. Awe (0). Undead. Chill Aura (3). Cold Strength (2). Air Shield (20%). Cold Resistance (150%). Fire Susceptible (25%).
If GoRed, Yuki-onna have 1 Water and 1 Air, but no slots.

Funayūrei, (The spirit of a drowned person) Soulless stats: Hp 15 Size 2 Str 12 Att 6 (5) Def 5 (3) Prot 1 (0) Mor 50 Mov. 6/2 MR 6 Prec 4 Weapons: Iron Ladle (Damage 4 + Str. Att +1 Def +2 Leng. 3). Armour: Soggy Rags (Prot 2). Undead, Mindless, Unlike other Soulless, Funayūrei are Fully Amphibious, 100% Fire Res.

Yadōkai (The blue-skinned spirits of wicked monks.)
Hp 12 Size 2 Str 12 Att 12 Def 12 Prot 6 (1) Mor 12 Mov. 12/2 MR 12 Prec 10 Weapons: Kama, Kama (Dmg 3, Len 2). Armour: Monastery Robes (Prot 4), Wicker Hat (Prot 6). Undead, Pillage bonus (4), Ambidextrous (4). Gluttony (0).

Noppera-bō (faceless ghost)
Hp 12 Size 2 Str 14 Att 12 Def 10 Prot 14 (0) Mor 12 Mov. 9/2 MR 12 Prec 10 Weapons: Katana Armour: Kabuto, Samurai Armour. Undead, Blind (ability). Stealth (0). Glamour.

Harionago (Female spirit of vanity.)
Hp 10 Size 2 Str 10 Att 10 Def 12 Prot 4 (1) Mor 9 Mov. 10/2 MR 9 Prec 9 Weapons: Hairpin, Hairpin (Dmg 1, Len 1, Armour-piercing). Barbed Hair (No Dmg. Leng 3, Area 1, Entangle). Armour: Dress (2), Living Hair (4). Awe (0), Undead. Ambidextrous (1).

Graphics are all done, and I'm happy with the stats, barring feedback.

Each Yokai unit is intended to be an independent magic-site recruitable, to be placed on the map in provinces directly surrounding Yomi's capital. They're intended to boost the Nation, while also forcing Yomi to defend it's surrounding territories, and ofcourse, forcing Yomi to actually site-search these somewhat difficult to find sites, so it's something of a double-edged sword. The sites themselves may also have other traits, with a trend towards maluses, for the sake of balance, rather than additional benefits.

Ideally, one Yokai site could go on a province, for a total of 8, but since a lot of maps won't work that way, certainly you can do 2 per province.

They'll also work for Jomon, Shinuyama, or any independent province you want to add some Japanese flavour to. Each Yokai unit is directly based on a real-world type of Japanese ghost or spirit. All of these units are undead, and none of them are outrageously powerful, but they are intended to offer Yomi support--so before placing them on a map you intend to play, please consider what effect these units will have on balance, since I'm just guessing here.

Finally, there's only so much I can do to finish this mod up, with my current computer situation, so I'm afraid some assembly *is* required (and that's above and beyond actually adding them to a map.). I'll do what I can to alleviate that, but until I can actually run Dom3 again, and work directly with the game, you have my appologies.
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Last edited by HoneyBadger; November 13th, 2008 at 05:47 PM..
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Old November 12th, 2008, 09:01 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

What sort of "paperwork" can't you do right now?
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Old November 12th, 2008, 03:47 PM

Spendios Spendios is offline
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Very cool ! Hope they inspire KO for his future patch !
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Old November 12th, 2008, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Rdonj--what I really mean is, I can't test them out or balance them, so I can't fix something that doesn't work, unless someone else brings it to my attention, and I also can't tell if I miss something, while writing the .DM file for these guys.
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Old November 13th, 2008, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Originally Posted by Spendios View Post
Very cool ! Hope they inspire KO for his future patch !
Unfortunately I tend to get uninspired when a modder starts on something that I have plans for. Fortunately my plans for Jomon are clear enough not to make me uninspired by a few yokai.

Hmm, that sounded a bit harsh. Perhaps I should elaborate. If I have started to think on a new summon or nation feature, I tend to avoid anything mentioned by others. I wouldn't want people to say, 'aha, that idea was concieved by me, and now KO is using it'. So I tend to avoid themes and stuff mentioned by others unless I already have a plan or have talked a bit about it before, as is the case of Jomon.

On the other hand I appreciate when modders come up with their own and fully developed nations, even if I had similar ideas. Especially when my ideas are vague and not too developed.
I like Endos kalevala stuff, since I like the mythos, and would like to see it in the game, but am at a bit of a loss as to how I should develop it and haven't delved into it myself enough to make it justice.
I like HoneyBadgers Aksum mod even though he stole the name I had intended for a possible LA Machaka . It is interesting and far more developed than my disparate thoughts.
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Old November 13th, 2008, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Thanks for posting, and for the compliment about Aksum, Kristoffer

With the Yokai, I intentionally avoided anything that I saw you mention, or any directions I saw you going in, but I hope I didn't squash any plans you had for the future... Although they could be applied to Jomon, or Shinuyami, these particular Yokai are really intended only for Yomi, to give them access to a bunch of undead units, and that's how the finished mod will turn out. Someone other than myself would have to take them and add them to Jomon or Shinuyami. It wouldn't be hard to do, since they're just new sites, and they remain thematic, being Japanese spirits, but the benefit and balancing will be based on Yomi.
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Old November 13th, 2008, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Originally Posted by Kristoffer O View Post
I like Endos kalevala stuff, since I like the mythos, and would like to see it in the game, but am at a bit of a loss as to how I should develop it and haven't delved into it myself enough to make it justice.
Oh no, now I feel like I should actually finish it!

Pity I can't get school credit out of it.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)


Considering Kristoffer's notion of not wanting to work on ideas that others have also had, this seems somewhat of a handicap, both for him and for the modders, ourselves. Is there a good way to create mods without his knowledge?
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Old November 15th, 2008, 06:57 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post

Considering Kristoffer's notion of not wanting to work on ideas that others have also had, this seems somewhat of a handicap, both for him and for the modders, ourselves. Is there a good way to create mods without his knowledge?
Good question, you should make a thread about this.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: Yokai units for Yomi (Jomon, Shinuyama, etc.)

Already done, thanks!
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