Zeldor, I'm sort of hoping for a serious approach from all the players. There's nothing wrong with a funny writeup, but it should still be approached seriously... However, my intent was, indeed, for it to be a 'roleplaying' scenario, where players are presumed to be reacting as their nation would. If that's not what you were looking for then it's better to pull out now than be disappointed later.
Llamabeast is fixing a bug with user-uploaded nations. Until then, he's had to kludge the Hoburg Alliance onto the server. Hopefully it will work as intended, which means I should be able to get the MA game moving. Sadly, I'm not in the MA game, which means I'm missing out playing with some of the 'famous faces', but everybody gets to read their output, so that's a win in my book.
You will need the following mods:
The Hoburg Alliance
The Skavenblight
The Tomb Kings
The Conceptual Balance Mod, 1.3 Complete
If there's anything wrong with the roster below, please let me know.
HTML Code:
MA nation roster:
Arco irenicus23
Ermor Calmon
Man quantum_mechani
Ulm Baalz
Marignon vanslime
T'ien Ch'i KO
Machaka otherling
Abysia tifone
Caelum Sansanjuan
Vanaheim evilhomer
Jotumheim solmyr
Shinuyama Wrana
Atlantis hunt11
R'lyeh DonCorazon
Skaven Hadrian
Hoburg alliance Ylavli
Tomb Kings Executor
I would suggest a simple majority of Victory Points be required to win, which would be 8 out of 15 total. Do the players agree to that, or do they feel that will make it too easy?
The settings are:
Independants: 5
Supplies, Resources, Gold, Research: Standard
Magic Sites: 55
Random Events: Common
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: On