Originally Posted by Aezeal
If you play the game normally.. just killing stuff while doing missions and not just maxing all non combat stats which is just unnatural then there is no problem. It might be annoying but that was your choice then.
No, I did play the game normally. In all RPGs, I always hit a point where I gain enough confidence to just do some exploring. But I am -always- obsessive about picking up free things, and that very much includes herbs. The Sneak I did for fun, but Herbalism just happened, and there was no compelling reason at the time to not make the potions.
Oblivion was the only game I had ever played that
penalized you for developing yourself in non-combat ways. In fact, if you just developed a couple of combat skills exclusively, you would have a FAR easier time in combat, than if you stack on Herb/Alch, for another -20- levels of difficulty. The potions just aren't strong enough to justify utilizing the depth of Alchemy that they provided (maybe if you were not an Herbalist, you buy all of your components? yeah, sounds like great fun).
All it does is force min-maxing, mindless grinding, and rushing the main quest. What is the point of all of that content, if exploring it makes your character unable to function in the world? It's just stupid design is what it is - there is NO justification for making the game harder for someone who develops their character.