Originally Posted by zzcat
Hmm... It's really strange for me that Arcoscephale should turn to me when Gift of Nature's Bounty has been risen. If we left Eriu undisturbed with 4500+ income per turn, we are all doomed. IMO a crusade against Eriu is most reasonable choice for all nations who border Eriu. But see what happens? We are fighting each other and weakening ourselves when Eriu becomes stronger and stronger???
With the NAP cancelled. I think we can attack each other at turn 42? So let's prepare for a big war
Originally Posted by Incabulos
The nation of Arcoscephale hereby gives notice that we are dissolving our NAP with Ashdod and hostilities may commence 3 turns hence.
turn 41 by my count since I posted before submitting the previous turn, should have sent an in game message to make the timing clear but the whole NAP is still quite a new concept to me.
and since I have watched your research spike, your gem income go through the roof and seen your sc/thugs in action I am pretty sure you are the greater threat.
If you think it should be tuurn 32 that is fine by me too. Just let me know here.