Originally Posted by Randallw
Well as I said I've never seen these stooges. Who's Moe?
You lucky dog. My advice to you is to
never ask that question again. In fact, never ask
anything about the three stooges again. And get yourself one of those filtering browser proxies (like
Proxomitron) and setup a filter to kill anything that mentions "three stooges" before it even reaches your browser. You'll need it to remain sane when that movie comes out. There will probably be a revival of the old movies, too.
If you don't follow my advice you'll eventually find yourself exposed to one of the worst mind-f***'s ever produced by American "pop culture". The Stooges are even worse than the stupidest, trashiest Saturday Morning cartoons ever produced. Yes, even worse the Rubik's Cube: the cartoon.