Wow, this game filled up overnight! Usually a good sign that the community was in need of a new game.
Will PM all the new players their random nation picks as soon as I get chance.
Originally Posted by Trumanator
As far as revealing nations goes, I actually think it could be cool if you published the list after its full, but didn't reveal who's who. Sorta similar to a RAND game.
My understanding was that a full RAND game (random nations + hidden players + no diplomacy) only works if the admin isn't playing in the game, since again, the admin player would have an unfair advantage of knowing who was playing the other nations if he was playing in the game himself.
Although it could be an interesting twist if the admin had the advantage of knowing all the other nations/players, but had the disadvantage in that he had to disclose which nation he was playing. (As would happen in this game if it now got turned RAND). Not actually sure if that's an advantage or disadvantage to the admin player?

Guess it all depends who the admin is
I would personally love to play in a full RAND game, but it seems there's only one a year (run by PashaDawg), and that is usually strictly for vets only. I may well setup another game soon that is full RAND, just accept that I can't play in it, and hope it will act as a hint for someone to create another full RAND game that I can play in

Wink wink, nudge nudge.
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
Please don't make this like RAND. I hate having to use in game diplomacy. The message system blows hard.
I'll probably keep this game to just random nations for now (unless loads think the 'RAND twist' idea is a good one, and prefer that). But if it did go more towards a full RAND game in any way, then diplomacy and communications between nations would likely be disallowed anyway. And don't worry, I would NEVER ask anyone to use in-game messages.
- "What exactly did I just say in that message I sent?" "Oh that's right I forgot, I have absolutely no way of checking it"