Originally Posted by Executor
Originally Posted by LDiCesare
The wrath of Arco? Let me laugh. Your cowardly dragon ran away rather than fight the mighty Plwf, and your rabble of an army followed suit. If Abysia and C'tis weren't helping you, your dragon bones would be decorating the ocean bed already.
Mind your tongue if you don't intend to start another flame war.
C'tis and Abysia helping me!?Huh, I should be the one laughing here, was it not YOU that helping himself to my lands when I attacked TC and R'lyeh jumped me and Oceania followed? And now when things turn south for you you do what? Accuse me of organizing some gang attack on you? I never asked anyone for help, nor did I ever intend to.
I think I put up a decent fight, and hell I'm still here. Let's see just how the all-mighty legions of Atlantis shall preform now...
Damn, that was In Context bragging by my pretender, don't take it badly and let's avoid a flame war. C'tis and Abysia help you because they're also attacking me, I don't pretend you coordinated. I didn't coordinate with Oceania either but it sure helped that they struck you too.
Your initial post seemed to be in context bragging, so I just answered the same way.