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Old September 26th, 2009, 12:26 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

Agree with illuminated one. You need a non-cap-only mage to be able to compete in research.
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Old September 26th, 2009, 12:51 PM
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

the name Monastery gave me an image that maybe it would be a nation built around a turtling strategy. It would be nice to have a strong turtling nation that can be used as an AI opponent.
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Old September 26th, 2009, 01:49 PM

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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

Oh yes, invulnerability too. Basically you can use the effect of any spell from the base game, but there are limits to what new effects you can create. Specifically, buffs are generally limited to existing effects, i.e. you can't make a +3 strength spell (+4 only IIRC).
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Old September 28th, 2009, 09:36 AM

InfStorm InfStorm is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

Thanks for all of the input guys. Let me examine the numbers again and I'll see what tweeks I'll make.

One comment I 'll make is that my original reason the dragon's were so expensive was they were are effectivly free casting of the unit spells for as long as you keep them alive. With your advice I will probably switch them to X5H1 requirement to cast, leaving any Wu Jen with some boosters able to cast.

Get back to you w/ more
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Old September 28th, 2009, 11:24 AM

InfStorm InfStorm is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

Pased off of the opinions I've heard, I've made the following changes:

Making Late Era, Capital Gems are now 1AWES

Increased Defense of most units, and I also decided to add minimal base protection (represents training to endure hardships 1-4 depending on the tier of the troop) and minor HP increases(2-6 hp). These aren't much, but may equal 2 hits to kill instead of 2, I should clarify that the robes worn aren't just for show. (see below)

Wu Jen magic increases to 2AWE1H + 100% AWES + 50% AWE. They are still CAP-only.
Added Apprentice, an anywhere 1AWEH + 100% AWE w/ Research bonus 2 ("So into their studies to become master Wu Jen, they often stumble onto forgotten lore.")

As to the Great Dragons, they are each 300hp creatures w/ 5 attacks + Dragon's Roar (an AOE1 Paralyzing attack). They also have Awe (+0), an appropriate resistance for their element, & spread domain like the juggernaut, in addition to magic skills and auto-summoning. I did change them to X5H1 to summon, but left the Gem cost high.

Basic troops now sit at:
Unit 1 Monk Student (Fist, Fist, No Armor)(Att 10/Def 12/Morale 12) (5g)
Note: The only reason the studen is hear is as optional chaff, similar to a couple other nations.
Unit 2 Initiate (Fist, Fist, Throwing Stars, Robes)(Att/Mor/MR 11 & Def 12) (10g)
Unit 3 Staff Initiate (Quarterstaff, Kick, Throwing Stars, Robes)(Att/Mor/MR 11 & Def 12) (10g)
Unit 4 Blade Initiate (Katana, Throwing Stars, Robes)(Att/Mor/MR 11 & Def 12) (10g)
Unit 5 Staff Expert (Quarterstaff, Kick, Kick, Throwing Stars, Master's Robes, Sacred)(Att/Mor/MR 12 & Def 14) (25g)
Unit 6 Nightblade (Katana, Throwing Stars, Master's Robes, Stealthy, Sacred)(Att/Mor/MR 12 & Def 14) (25g)
Unit 7 Master (Fist, Fist, Kick, Kick, Master's Stars, Master's Robes, Cap-Only, Sacred)(Att/Mor/MR 13 & Def 16) (40g)

I didn't do all the math, but most the unit are 2-3 resources cost.

Note on robes, they had prot and def not from actual protection but more to represent the ability to turn an blade or arrow from hitting the defender, as I've seen in too many movies
Robes: Prot 3, Def 3, Enc 0
Master's Robes: Prot 5, Def 3, Enc 0
Grandmaster's Robes: Prot 7, Def 5, Enc 0

Still designing National spells, having to research the spell effects, the spreadsheet and my lack of sleep aren't making it easy.
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Old September 28th, 2009, 02:02 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

Oh, the robes *add* defense? Hmm... didn't realize that before. May want to tone the inherent defense down a little. Actually, scratch that, I'd tone the defense bonus for the robes down because that's easier to balance. If you insist on them providing defense, i'd go with Def 1 for Robes/Masters Robes and Def 2 for GM Robes. (Most armor takes away from defense, or is otherwise neutral). But def 0 robes would actually be fine.

(While a robe can be used defensively, that's more the skill of the person rather than the quality of the robe itself, and is better reflected in the natural defensive skill of the person wearing it).
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Old September 28th, 2009, 02:59 PM

InfStorm InfStorm is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

Well, I calculated the Def from the robes into my final goal values for the unit/commanders. I'll actually leave the Def values in the armor for another reason.

I've been pondering wether or not to take away the item slots from the commanders (and units) and have decided not to. The reason I have been thinking about removing them was to keep the idea of their training in unarmed combat (or staves/katana), and didn't want them to stray from these options. Doing so, however, takes away from the players options.


I will be making new Fist and Kick values for the Units, which will be marginally better than the normal fist/kick weapons. The reason is that I will shift some of their attack/defence skill into their custom fist/kick attacks (maybe I'll just name it Martial Arts). So, they will be more skilled with their default weapons/armor, but if a player chooses otherwise, they can do so, but will lose some of the attack/defense skill for the magic of the equipment. This will represent their lack of training in said items.

Example: Player want to armor up his Temple Leader.
Their normal Protection is 3 inate +5 Armor, and Defense 17 inate 3 Armor (20 total).
Slap Black Steel Full Plate on them and ...
Protection is 3intate + 22 Armor, and Defense 17 inate -5 Armor (12 total)

How does that sound for making a way to balance their skill with their trained attacks vs giving options for equipping other items?
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Old October 4th, 2009, 10:02 AM
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Default Re: New Nation: The Monestary of the Way

I think "martial arts" weapons bosting attack and defence is a great idea! Agree on the robes as well, monks should be very reluctant at taking their robes of :P

I thought of the possibility to have cheap researchers without magic instead of non cap mages. Then you could compete in research but would still have a strong case for the masters in times of war.
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