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Old October 8th, 2009, 03:44 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

Yes, I am absolutely unwilling to reach a compromise that harms me, because

1) Its not my fault that he staled. He should continue or go AI, but not make us close this game.
2) I didnt benefit from his stales. I didnt capture his land. Why should I suffer?

Despite that, I am willing to try and find *some* solution. You seem to imply that we have to offer him a 100% compensation - WHY?

Let me repeat myself: I posted here that Ermor stales as soon as I noticed that its his third stale. I dont regularily check stales, you know. And Ermor got some random 'cultist attacks' events, so I was getting scout reports that Ermor attacks Marignon. He even attacked me during the stales that way.

To sum it up - we arent guilty that Ermor staled, and I want to continue. If there are more players who want to continue as well, we have every right to do so. If they are willing to compensate Ermor for his own stales somewhat - the better, and I hope that it will convince him to stay.
But I am not willing to lose all my fetishes because Ermor staled. Or rollback my entire successful war effort.

BUMP: Post here if you want to continue this game with no stales and rollbacks, compensating Ermor for the stales via diplomacy.

Last edited by Kuritza; October 8th, 2009 at 03:52 AM..
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Old October 8th, 2009, 04:26 AM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

1) It's not really anyone's fault that Zeldor staled, he took reasonable precautions and tried to find a sub instead of holding up the game by asking for a delay. It didn't work out properly, and now everyone should be willing to compromise a bit to try to sort things out. It's a crappy situation, so crappy things have to happen to resolve it, trying to dump all of the responsibility and consequences on Zeldor for something that was in large part not his fault isn't a good solution.

2) Claiming that you don't benefit from your biggest rival losing a quarter of his provinces, 3 turns worth of orders, and sizable forces and positioning is farcical.

You should "suffer" because otherwise you gain a sizable advantage for no in-game reason, just an administrative failure. And I don't see how a few stales with no one attacking you really constitutes a large degree of suffering anyhow.

As to why I think 100% compensation is ideal: Because, as I said, I don't believe Zeldor should be punished in-game for an out-of-game oversight that was far from exclusively his fault, so 100% seems like an ideal number to shoot for.

That being said, I think both of my proposed solutions are somewhat conservative, and that he'll come out in worse relative shape than he was in 3 turns back. Obviously a perfect compensation is impossible, but I think my suggestions would hit about 80-90%, leaving Zeldor slightly worse off, but as close as we can get to an equitable solution while making sure he doesn't actually come out ahead.

It may be reasonable to allow Jotun's army in 262 to retreat if immediate stales occur, but looking at Zeldor's turn that is the only exposed army he has access to. Marignon's assaults wiped him off the islands wholesale and he now has nothing there to counterattack with. Watering that down even further with a full turn of preparation is so weak as to be be nearly useless.
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Old October 8th, 2009, 05:27 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

Fewer fetishes. Immediate stales are going to kill scouts with items worth 10 gems each.

And yes, I feel sorry for his plight, 3 stales is painful. And still I dont feel oblidged to compensate because things like that happen. I wont be given same luxury in any other game, just as I wasnt allowed rollbacks before. Thus, I am surprised that this game was stopped because of one man's stales.

Yes, he did take precautions, but they were not enough. I am subbing a friend right now, in 3 games, and he doesnt stale there because he knew he is leaving and forwarded me the incoming turns.
Accept that your have made an error and learn from it, not make your fellow players suffer for it. Do you really have to stop this game just because you are less likely to win it now?
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Old October 8th, 2009, 06:39 AM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

I made an error? Where? Game admin told me game is probably ending on Sunday, but I contacted Micah to sub for me in case it does not happen. I contacted game admin and told him Micah is my sub. I got confirmation. What else could I do? Take his phone number, so I can make an international call from holiday to check that he really changed the email address to Micah's?

And why do you keep on bringing bad admin behaviour from other games here? And try to justify my losses with that? If you don't play here to win and have no hopes to do that, why are you trying to make absolutely sure I have no chances to win?

You keep on repeating the word "fair" all the time, but you must have a completely different understanding of it's meaning. I never asked for succession, I never said I am going to crush everyone. I never said I want 100% compensation for my stales. All I want is fair chance. And you are sending silly counteroffers, showing that you are willing to do almost anything to negate that. All that while complaining about WraithLord's victory. Don't you think it's exactly what he did? You think people like his behaviour? I am pretty sure there is a bunch of players that wouldn't want him in their games.

I have sent PM's to both Kuritza and Ossa. I am willing to negotiate - if other side is too. So far I don't see it. I could agree to 0 or 1 stales from others. But in exchange for something. And by smth I mean a fair chance to get back to the game.

I really don't feel like volunteering myself for punishement over smth I didn't do. I'm not going to continue like that - as I'd simply prefer to join new game instead of watching my empire get devoured for out of game reasons. I also wouldn't turn AI, as that game could as well be finished if it happened. I simply can't understand how anyone else would prefer not having the game finished [or getting meaningless finish] over getting some agreement.

LA Agartha guide
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Old October 8th, 2009, 07:09 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!


You prefer to ruin this game for everyone because its ruined for you after YOUR stales. Its a damn bad behaviour if you ask me. Selfishness incarnate.

And no, its not just WL who complained against a rollback. There were also Ossa/Klagrok team and Meglobob who were playing. They ALL objected against ONE rollback, almost calling me a cheater and a liar meanwhile. And no again, I dont call his victory 'unfair' now, WL earned it and it was a good lesson for me.

I make silly counteroffers? I didnt bring up anything as ABSURD as 'rollback three turns or close the game calling me a victor' yet. My offer may seem silly to you, but it doesnt mean you are right.

You are willing to continue with '0 or 1 stales from others. But in exchange for something'.
Cool. That something you offered was 'promise you wont attack me until I defeat Marignon'. You dont understand just HOW insolent it sounds, do you? You had a VERY good start, with new players allowing you to absorb other races one by one, affraid of attacking you. And now you offered me to leave you alone until you finish Marignon too? And you call it a 'fair chance'?!

I want to finish this game with no stupidity like 3-turns rollback, 3-turns stales and letting LA Ermor conquer the rest of the map without interfering anyhow. Let these who attacked you during stales return your lands, I didnt take them. All I can offer is a NAP, five turns or so, and I think this offer is good.

>>I simply can't understand how anyone else would prefer not having the game finished [or getting meaningless finish] over getting some agreement.
I'm all for getting some agreement. Just not 'bend over and die', thank you. If you can offer something REASONABLE, not 'let me defeat Marignon and then crush you', please do it. Demanding that Marignon returns you ALL your lands is also unreasonable and proves that you arent really looking for 'a good chance'.

Its YOUR problem that you staled. I have NO GODDAMN IDEA why Juffos told you this game is over while there were many votes to keep playing in the game thread. So I REALLY want to read what other players think about this game. If we still have enough players willing to play on, we will play on.

Last edited by Kuritza; October 8th, 2009 at 07:17 AM..
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Old October 8th, 2009, 08:44 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

I have followed this game since it started, mainly out of my personal interest of wanting to see how LA Ermor faired (as I started a game as LA Ermor at the exact same time this game kicked off). But I must say there are several things about the recent problem that confuse me. Especially the opinions that some of the current players have regarding it.....

A) Some players gained nothing by Ermor staling.

Urrhh, come again? How can that sort of statement possibly be true. If the game leader stales for three turns (and by the concession talk, I assume Ermor was the leader pre-stales) then every single nation gains from it. No exceptions. Everyone has gained because the game leader has become weaker. A nation always becomes weaker when they stale. It is certain that some nations gained more than others, but to say that some nations gained nothing is an absolutely ridiculous idea. I see some experienced and talented players voicing this opinion, so please come on, be real about this. You all know that every single nation has gained from Ermor staling, so anyone saying otherwise is only doing themselves an injustice as a player.

B) Nobody is at fault.

Again, What?!? Firstly the admin is directly to blame for not doing what was necessary to ensure the sub for Ermor was installed correctly. If the thread comments are correct, then Zeldor informed the admin who his sub would be if the game continued (as there was talk of it ending). And again if the thread comments are correct, then this was also confirmed by the admin. I've admined several games now, and I can't see what more Zeldor could have done to ensure a sub got setup for him. Apart from of course choosing to vacation somewhere with internet access (but that last comment is just my attempt at humour)

When I admin a game, if a player informs me of the required info to sort out their sub, and I fail to do it, then it's directly my fault. Not the players. And if this scenario did happen to me, then I'd put my hand up and say I messed up big time, and make a firm decision on what to do about it. Just because an admin has been knocked out of a game is not any excuse for an admin to abandon his admin duties to that game. An admin has a responsibility to ensure the game runs smoothly, is getting played fairly (in an out-of-game sense), and that all necessary admin jobs are getting done. And this responsibity does not end until the game ends, or a replacement admin is found.

Also, I always think the players in the game are at fault if they do not point out that a nation is staling. The first stale is of course almost impossible to spot coming, but once a nation has staled, the fact that they have staled should always be pointed out to the admin. And I accept maybe the first stale is not always spotted on the staling logs, although from having played LA Ermor, there is no way I can believe it would not be blindingly obvious in-game to anyone fighting them that they were staling.

So while an obvious reason can be found to not have prevented the first stale. And even plausible reasons to not have prevented the second stale. It really is becoming abuse to allow a nation to stale three consecutive turns without the players in the game having attempted to prevent it. Especially the game leading nation. If the admin was notified about the staling and chose to ignore it, then I most certainly apologise. But I only see one reference to it on the thread itself, and I believe that was after Ermor had already staled three times. It also has to be taken into account that before the stales, Ermor had a perfect track record for turn submission. So it can not be claimed that Ermor was a regular staler in any way, and that these recent stales were ignored due to Ermor staling being 'a regular thing'.

I'd like to believe that all players are here for a fair fight. And if that is true, then all players have a constant responsibility to ensure that a fair fight is taking place at all times. And by fair I mean fair as in out-of-game, as fair in-game is a completely different matter. And beating up a staler is certainly not fair by a long way. I accept that it is not a players fault if their opponent is staling, but it is their fault if they do not notify the admin about a staling opponent. Beating up a staling nation, and keeping silent about it, is just about the lowest possible form of Dominions gaming in my books (and I'm sure in the books of many other players as well).

C) NAP's, events from other games, and regular stales

The first two have absolutely no bearing at all on the current issue. I really don't see why they keep getting brought up. Problems should try to be sovled, but all I see being brought up is how similar problem have happened in other games, and inadequate solutions were found to them. So these same inadequate solutions should be used here as well. How is that even logical for one moment?

With the third, I certainly agree that stales happen, and that most of the time it is the player themselves who is at fault. But I don't see how that is the case here. Zeldor was away when all this happened, with no access to a computer (not that I'd personally want to fuss about with something like Dominion anyway if I was on vacation, regardless of computer access). And in that situation he correctly lined up a sub for himself for the duration of his absence, and had confirmation from the admin that notification about the sub had been received. So I don't see any reason why Zeldor should have to suffer in-game for the out-of-game issue that caused Ermor to stale three times. Or have any real blame laid upon him (apart from maybe being blamed for trusting an admin who was defeated, to actually do their admin job properly).

As far as it's possible to avoid, out-of-game issues should not have any dramatic effects on in-game events. Zeldor going away, and his sub not being correctly arranged by the admin, are both out-of-game issues. So I think any suggestion that this event should just be ignored, and the game continued as is with zero, or maybe just minimum compensation for Ermor, is extremely unfair. As it has basically had the effect of turning the entire game on it's head. And whether or not Ermor are still the most powerful nation is again irrelevant. They are not as powerful as they were before the stales, and the stales were entirely caused by an out-of-game issue.

If my understanding is correct from the thread messages, then the situation is that Kuritza and Ossa are the only two directly against the option of a full rollback. Kuritza, because he won a war that involved taking a lot of risks, and quite rightly, doesn't want to have to rely on the random number generator to repeat that victory. So I personally think Kuritza does have a valid claim as to why a full rollback would punish him considerably (more on this in a bit).

Ossa on the other hand seems to be against the rollback because then he wouldn't be able to cheaply kill off Ermor's main army(ies), and grab a load of forts and provinces in the process. This to me is exactly the reason why the game should be rolled back. As in the first place, I think it is a very bad show to not only beat-up a staler without mentioning that they were staling (and please don't claim you didn't know), but to then strongly object to the rollback is a serious abuse of a staling nation IMO. That is basically taking the stance of "I gained a huge unfair advantage when my opponent staled, and I have no intention of giving it back, so there". To me at least, any player taking that type of stance is immediately branding themselves as a player who has more interest in purely winning a game rather than in playing fair.

So maybe I can offer another possible solution....

"The game is rolled back the three turns to before Ermor started staling, and conditions imposed so that the war Kuritza won is winnable again, but without any of the risks that were attached to it first time around."

If that means the nation Kuritza defeated has to stale or submit suicidal orders, then so be it. That particular war has already been fought and an outcome achieved in Kuritza's favour, so it would be unfair and unreasonable to give the defeated nation another crack at surviving it. I am not sure if there are any other major wars/battles elsewhere that would need the same provisions made, but Kuritza's successful war victory seems to be the one most mentioned in the discussion, and unless I am mistaken, his main objection to the rollback (as it would be unfair on him to ask him to win a war a second time if he took risks to win it the first time).

These of course are just my observations, and the only vested interest I have in this game is that I have followed it from the start via the thread and llamascores, and would hate to see a good game get ruined by an administrative mistake. Since as a regular admin, that would also make me upset, as it would result in a game being decided purely due to a bad mistake by the admin. Maybe all this is mute now though if control of the password and with it the game has been lost (although I do hope someone has notified llamabeast about this so that he can get control back).

There are some competitive players here, but I hope also fair ones. I'd hope that it can be seen that the stales were of no fault of Zeldor's, as he arranged a sub which was confirmed by the admin. Yes the stales are most certainly Zeldor's problem, but they are certainly not his fault. So asking him to just "suck it up" and accept the stales is asking too much. Not without some form of compensation (and it's only really Zeldor who can judge how much compensation he would need to keep playing). Likewise, asking Kuritza to accept having to win his risky war again if the game is rolled-back is also asking too much IMO.

If any major nation is lost to the AI over this issue, then the game as a creditable contest more or less immediately comes to an end as I see it. So a compromise is the only solution, and one needs to be reached if the huge amount of time invested by everyone to date is to be salvaged. I don't see how the 'pain' of having to re-do turns is really an issue. Yes it is unwelcome to have the time the last three turns took wasted. But it pales into insignificance when compared to having the time the last 56 turns took wasted. Although if players are happy to play on in a game that has absolutely no credibility, then that's up to them really.

Some ideas have already been offered, and I have offered another one above. Maybe I can also offer another perspective as well from which to operate. Instead of looking ahead and trying to find a way to arrange it so that Ermor regains ground while other nations stale, why not look back and say go with the full rollback, and try to help ensure that all non-Ermor related events play out as closely as possible to how they did. (such as provisions being made so that Kuritza wins his war again).

I apologise if my comments as an outsider are unwanted. I maybe also offer some apologies to anyone I have offended with my criticisms. Although where criticism has been mentioned, I personally feel it is warranted. Problems happen in games, and usually the most effective method of solution is to work towards a compromise. There are mostly always parties to blame for causing these problems, although in this case those parties are not the ones being punished. I hope my comments have been of some help, or even if the comments haven't, then hopefully my idea and 'new perspective' have been.

I feel very sorry for SciencePro to have been handed this mess. Although I would ask him to stick with it, as there'll be no discredit to him if this games falls, but there is HoF admin status awaiting him if he does mange to somehow keep this game going


@ Kuritza - Can I please kindly ask you one question. What would you need to see happen to accept the game being rolled back the three turns to before the Ermor stales?

Is a guarantee that you would win your war again enough? Maybe winning it cleaner, and with less casualties, could be your form of compensation? (achieved by suicidal orders from your opponent). Would you want something else as well? Or is there just no form of compensation or provision that would accept you allowing the game to be rolled back three turns?
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Old October 8th, 2009, 10:36 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

I have won it as clean as possible. Seriously. Also, I managed to get some unique summons and forge an artifact.

So I just dont see why this game should be THAT unique to allow a 3-turns rollback. When Jomon had lots of stales, Ermor saw it as a good reason to attack Jomon - it wasnt a problem. When Ermor staled and somebody saw it as a good reason to attack Ermor, its a problem and we have to roll it back. Double standard?

Sorry, things like that happen. Zeldor should have asked Mikah to check game thread maybe. Heck, he shouldnt have *counted* on this game to end. Its called overconfidence.

Also, I was that annoyed by a 10-days stale because I dont have much time before my own vacation. But thanks to this childish outbreak, I will have to ask my sub to do the hardest part for me. If this game even contunues, of course.
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Old October 8th, 2009, 11:12 AM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

while i really don't care that much
this following is a silly solution

So maybe I can offer another possible solution....

"The game is rolled back the three turns to before Ermor started staling, and conditions imposed so that the war Kuritza won is winnable again, but without any of the risks that were attached to it first time around."

If that means the nation Kuritza defeated has to stale or submit suicidal orders, then so be it. That particular war has already been fought and an outcome achieved in Kuritza's favour, so it would be unfair and unreasonable to give the defeated nation another crack at surviving it. I am not sure if there are any other major wars/battles elsewhere that would need the same provisions made, but Kuritza's successful war victory seems to be the one most mentioned in the discussion, and unless I am mistaken, his main objection to the rollback (as it would be unfair on him to ask him to win a war a second time if he took risks to win it the first time).

the war was against me
it was the first few turns i ever faced a war against an experienced player in MP

one of the three turns I staled (can't rem why now)
the other i did sleep deprived on a train and forgot to load my casters up with gems
also, as most of the good advice on how to play came from zeldor
his absence as a person during this time was key feature in my downfall
he had huge numbers of troops adjacent to some of the battlegrounds

if we rollback, things will be different

a) i know a lot more
b) my main ally will be around
c) i saw how things might progress on that terrain
d) unlikley things happened, like my god dying with a single bad MR save
e) zeldor might take action

i expect to still die
but to cause more serious losses

bye for now
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Old October 8th, 2009, 11:16 AM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

ps: to whoever stole the admin slot
your poem is wonderful
i hope you are honorable enough to return control of the game to us

if you pm me the password so we can at least try and fix things
i swear on the blood of my first dead DnD character
never to reveal your identity

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Old October 8th, 2009, 12:04 PM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

Actually, I think you overestimate that first-hit soul slay. Of course, it was goddamn dramatic, but I dont take chances, usually anyway. Your goddess was more or less doomed.
I had two SCs there, one of them with artifact weapon, Lich with D5 (unscripted, but I still think he would cast drain life or two), some spectres with frost aura (your goddess had no cold immunity) and two astal mages, just in case.
But I bet you wouldnt send your goddess without giving her pearls and scripting returning, so my para-drop wouldnt work for the second time indeed.
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