The Song series by Martin is surely decent, but definately not literature. If you are looking for literature on the scale of Tolkein, forget it.
Otherwise, Zelazny is a great writer, and the first book of the Amber series is one of the best pieces of modern fantasy trivial literature around. The second and third books are also very worth reading. The fourth and fifth are not garbage, but not great. Then he needed money and wrote 5 additional sequels.
Going out on a limb, since it's actually "science fantasy", if that really means anything: Gene Wolfe's "Torturer" series. This work is truly outstanding, also in the sense that in some (weak) sense, it approaches the category of serious literature -- though not as well written as, well, fill in the author of your choice (Borges, for example) in that the events about which he writes represent symbolically something themes which transcend the mere immediate action. Ah whatever. It's 4 great books, check them out. (Warning: Wolfe is incapable of writing about women, I cringe whenever opposite-sex interplay rears its head; doesn't happen often; otherwise, the books are gems, really.)
Originally Posted by quantum_mechani
Originally Posted by Mojo the Avenger
armchair philosophy
As opposed to the philosophy from people who actually get out there and DO philosophy. 
Heheh. I am a professional philosopher, and I take ... no offence to that! But seriously, serious philosophy is a *science*, and hence requires getting up from your armchair long enough to get some books....