What about a game where each player is doled out a theme/element, and set up ground rules to make it so that only certain combinations win.
Say, you can have multiple gods of
be a victory condition. Alternately, another winning condition could be to compose a team of one of every elemental or sorcery magic. Or "good" and "evil" -- relatively speaking, AWNS vs FEDB, FE as evil given that both have a fallen elemental royalty, BE self explanatory
I'd imagine identities would need to be disclosed at the start of game as there's already plenty of options for treachery in the combinations of teams involved. Second guessing a pretender's theme is going to be a pain in the butt. Given that rainbow pretenders are often a lot more fun IMHO, perhaps substitute magic with some other categorization, whether historical, geographical, or thematic.
Such a game would give some pretty interesting diplo options while keeping neat team game dynamics.