This game will only feature nations that have not yet won a single MP game, according to the thread on
victorious nations. This is your chance to play your favourite weak nation without some stupid niefels bounding you into dust in turn 14. Although note that there are some nations that are consider pretty good in the mix. Well, there must be some reason for them not having won a single game.
Name of the Game - CrippleFight2
Type - llamaserver PBEM (Play By EMail)
Threelake 92 land + 12 sea (about 13,1 provs per land player and 12 per water nation (although the sea provinces are somewhat disconnected)
Mods: CBM 1.6,
Multi-age mod
Players: 8
Settings: renaming on, magic sites 40, otherwise normal
Hosting Schedule:
24h per turn until turn 20,
then 36h to 40,
then 48h to 60
and finally 60h after turn 60
-Each player will be granted a delay on request. If there are longer delays (especially in the first 20-30 turns), please try to find a sub. But if push comes to shove, delays are highly preferred over setting someone AI. If someone has trouble keeping up on the schedule, just speak up and we can negotiate on a better hosting schedule.
Victory Condition
- The surrender of all other losers.
The game is up on the llamaserver
Althought I'm (sort of) admining this game, I don't have the time to play in it. So Valerius will be working as a "in-game" admin.
This is to avoid the levels of drama as seen in the "Setsumi" game.
Nations and players in the game:
EA Ermor -- Squirreloid
EA Abysia -- Trumanator
EA Tir'na'Og -- Valerius (CF1 veteran)
EA Atlantis -- Ghoul31
MA Bandar Log - Frozen Lama (CF1 veteran)
MA Eriu -- Starshine_Monarch
LA Arcosephale -- tgbob (CF1 veteran)
LA Atlantis -- Alpine Joe (CF1 veteran)