Weird crash message.
I've got a sp game I've been playing around with lately that's pretty far in, all sorts of artifacts and summons, etc. This turn I am getting the following crash message in game:
Nagot gick fel
unit 0
blastsquare: bad land
I hit okay, and am shown the unit display/card/window/whatever for a manikin with 0 hp (the game does not immediately crash), then I hit okay again and the pop up error report shows up talking about about blastsquares. Any idea what could be causing this crash? It's not a mod thing, so I'm guessing maybe it's related to one of my artifacts? I'm fighting some pretty huge armies at the moment, as one of my enemies is ma ermor under 300% income and resource settings, so I figure something like the ark could potentially do something weird with an army of 1k undead. Not sure what's up with the manikin. Pythium just cast haunted forest last turn....
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