I recently started playing this game a few months ago, and have been having great fun playing small 40 x 40 maps to get a feel for the game. One thing that seems to be beyond me is LOS.
It seems really random. Even from elevated positions where I'd assume I'd have an easier time getting eyeballs out ahead, I end up with crappy spotting. Sometimes I can't even find a really good reason for me to not be able to see somewhere at all. I'm having major difficulty looking at a map and finding good positions where I know I'll be able to watch a fair amount of terrain for the enemy.
So, it ends up a lot of the time playing out as me moving units into positions where I think I'll have at least some kind of sight, only to find out I was sorely mistaken and have committed a unit to a blind spot.
This was especially bad in the last battle I played, US vs Germans in 45, in close wooded hills. At one point I was able to move a company up to secure a large, fairly high hill (35 height, if I recall) But even from the summit, found myself with poor LOS for most of my units. This was endlessly frustrating, as it made my machine gun sections all but useless for direct fire at any kind of distance for the entire fight.
Any tips from the more experienced that might be helpful for figuring this out? Or am I stuck playing guessing games until I lean the intricacies of the LOS mechanic?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks Don and Andy for all the hard work you've put into this excellent little gem of a game.