Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Here is a list with all of the events in the latest version. Ver 3.23b
Altho it might have to be updated when the new patch comes out.
Look for the events.txt here
That's a great list Gandalf, and one which I've somehow never seen before?! Since I imagined it would have been posted more than once before now if it existed.
Can I ask what the source of that list is though. Your own compilation, Illwinter/Shrapnel, from the program code, old Dom PPP/II stuff, other?
Originally Posted by Edi
I may have to take a look at the event source to list the event properties sometime (namely scale requirements or other special restrictions). That's one of the rare snippets I actually have seen, which also led to the fixing of a few event bugs earlier (such as the blood fountain event bug).
Edi, what are the realistic odds and hope of you sorting out the events list and their various properties within say the next 6 months?
Reason I ask is that before real life intervened and put a halt to all my Dom activity a few months ago

I was slowly starting to put together a list of events and the scales needed to trigger them. Processing and checking hundreds of turns was pretty slow going though, and I didn't get much further than obtaining a list of events for completely neutral scales. Now that RL is allowing me some Dominions time again though, I might look into resuming this pet project of mine.
But I will keep it on (permanent) hold if it's a job that you can get done in an hour or two just by looking at the event source code. Since it will certainly take we considerably longer to get it done, and with far more errors likely, by obtaining the info via repeatedly hosting turns over and over with various scales until I've triggered all the events from Gandalf's above list. (Assuming that is the complete list of course)
Also noticed from the debug log repeated entries that read.
"random event X
checking if event X is valid"
But can't see anywhere in the log where it says if the actual event is then triggered or not. So I won't currently be able to link the events themselves with their appropriate "random event number", unless I am missing something. (as I am far from expert at deciphering the debug log). So I'm guessing that the "random event numbers" is something that can (only?) be obtained from the source code. (another reason the project would be better done by you than me
