This is a game which is good for people who are playing their first multiplayer game of Dominions 3. Its on a tower map which means it will be limited battlefronts. From the early to mid game you will probably have only 2 people to worry about. The one above you and the one below you. Later in the game Tower maps cut down micromanagement, and make the F1 menu work better.
Era: Middle Age ...... Mods: none ................ Indy strength: 7
Magic Sites: 65 ....... HoF Entries: 15 .......... Renaming: On
going AI: off ..............Cheat Detection: on .... Multiplayer check: on
Server: ... Port: 10555
(this is a direct connect game)
Scores and other files will be web posted at
Turn notifications are available by email or text messaging. PM me your email or phone number info. Turn files are available by direct connect (recommended), email, ftp, or browser download. Turning in of turns can be done by email for one-time special situations but is not recommended, this is a direct connect game. The ability to set yourself to Computer Player will be off in this game. You are encouraged not to give up. If someone absolutely must drop out then all effort will be made to get a substitute. As a last resort I might manually set the person to AI so the game can continue. Rollback policy will be extreme. Backups will be made but rollbacks unlikely. Going stale twice in a row without explanation will be cause for being replaced.
If we dont get enough players after awhile I may turn some on as vanilla AI's (computer players) in order to start.
The asterisk * shows that the pretender has been received for that nation
Land Players:
01) Verigorm -------- Man ------------ *
02) Jorus ------------- Jotunheim ---- *
03) Greyjoy --------- Ctis ------------- *
04) KrPeters--------- Ermor ---------- *
05) coffeespoons -- Pythium ------ *
06) Nauquan -------- Ashdod ------- *
07) Freykin ---------- Agartha ------- *
08) Otic --------------- Shinuyama -- *
09) Amadamus ---- Abyssia ------- *
10) computer ------ Marignon ------ *
11) cwkjc ------------- Bandar Log -- *
Water Players:
01) 13lackGu4rd --- R'lyeh --- *
The map can be viewed here
Or available for download at
It is not necessary to download the map. If you start the game and do not have it then the game will send a temporary map to you. Downloading the map ahead of time will allow you to skip that step and give you a personal copy you can play with locally. But doing that for every game can eventually clutter up your maps directory.