How about adding any/all of the mods below:
- Underwater Gameplay Improvement Mod v 0.92
I didn't try it but the from the description the changes look good balance wise.
- Community sprites.
- Streamers and Standards
Just GFX, but oh so cool
- End game diversity.
No more tart only end game.
1.7 can be distributed as base CBM 1.7 (CBM only) and enhanced CBM combined with all the above mods.
Such a release of 1.7 would be, well, awesome

And yes, it's possible to mix and match mods manually but it's:
a- repetitive, annoying
b- not fail proof (conflicts)
c- You never know whether the mods you combine are supposed to work together (thematically)
There are already a few combo mods around. I like them all but most are focused on nations, not on enhancing vanilla game.
I think llamabeast mentioned a possible combo with his diversity mod but I've no idea where this stands.
CBM++ is something I'd really love to see.

, I had a vague recollection of mentioning this in another thread. Turns out to be this thread. Sorry for the repeat.