Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd
Verjigorm, you went too far  the most basic impossible command for a computer is to divide something by 0, no matter why no matter when. same as in math, after all computers use the mathematical language... than there are the more complicated issues such as the infinite loops that you've mentioned, among some others. oh and while we're at it, computers can't judge situations, they can only make comparisons.
I like Verjigorm's answer better. The halting problem and the busy beaver problem are counterexamples to "nothing is impossible" that you can work out on paper. Division by zero is something my computer does just fine - when I ask for x/0 it tell me "undefined", which is a good answer. The claim that computers will never be able to render judgments is an expression of pessimism about AI that AFAIK isn't as widely accepted as the halting problem.