Waspworld (NEWBIE GAME), running
I've played in 3 multiplayer Dominions games, so I still classify myself as pretty new. Trying to find people with similar amounts of experience. First-time players are welcome, as are people with a little more experience- say at most 10 MP games.
Era: late age
newbs only
8 players
mods: CBM 1.6
map: Shahrivar (no special sites)
disallowed nations: R'lyeh, Atlantis
site frequency: 45
score graphs off
hall of fame: 15 entries
renaming on
diplomacy is binding
Turns will initially be on a 24-hour timer, and will be increased as requested. Extensions will also be granted as needed (though hopefully not frequently).
1) Bogarus- Groundworm
2) Mictlan- mockingbird
3) Ermor- puntocom
4) C'tis- Allium
5) Pythium- Ragnars Wolves
6) Agartha- Fantomen
7) Caelum- Marmaduke
8) Man- camobeercan
Last edited by Groundworm; September 11th, 2010 at 01:52 PM..
Reason: changed number of players to 8