"The road to the Pantokrator's throne is paved with good intentions"
--Old Saying
Era: MA
Hosting:Llamaserver 24H intervals on turns extensions granted liberally will go up to 48H when the majority want it.
Mods: CBM 1.6 EDM 1.1 UWGIM 0.94 WH 1.91 Armour Revamp
Research: Normal
Graphs: On
Magic Sites: 50
Hall of Fame: 15
Diplomacy:Treacherous, Not required to stick to your agreements. (though it may be in your best interests to do so)
Banned Exploits: Sickle Farming,LaD abuse,Lab overfilling,Copying Bogus Orders,Deliberately slowing an army with a probing scout or Commander
Victory Conditions: Complete annihilation or a consensus on a winner.
Total Number of Nations: 11 land 3 Sea
Ashdod is Banned
1. Pythium- Ferrosol
2. Ermor- Klepto
3. Shinyuma-Raiel
4. Ctis- Rytek
5. Abysia-Maerlande
6. Bandar Log- Frozen lama
7. Jotunheim- Ghoul 31
8. T'ien ch'i- Fantomen
9. Vanheim- Muse
10. Marignon- FAJ
11. Ulm-13lackguard
1. MA Atlantis-Trumanator
2. MA Oceania-Kiandutha
3. MA Rlyeh- Finalgenesis