OK, so (if I may), here are some random complete newb questions which occur to me. I shall add the odd one as I go.
- When I tell it to generate a small world (a dozen or so provinces, 1 AI opponent) it takes like 5 minutes to complete. Now, I acknowledge I only have 1Gb of RAM and a CPU that's pretty old, but even so... Civ can make a whole world in fraction of the time. OOI, what in the world is it actually doing that could even begin to take that long??
- When in Battle View, could moving the mouse to the edge of the screen please scroll? I thought I had seen something saying it did this, but I admit it is not listed in the short cuts.
- In battles, I'm a little confused about casting distance. Do I have to move my casters to the enemy and/or with my troops so as to get them close to enemy/keep up with my guys for effectiveness? If so with what order?
That'll do for now, 'coz it's my first post