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Old November 26th, 2010, 01:46 AM

Togo Togo is offline
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Default Wish List

1. Auto Resolve Combat
Eliminate having to fight each and every useless battle.
Auto Resolve battles like (20 bombers vs. 1 tank), these type of battle get old real fast on a large map.

2. Random (hit/miss)
All weapons always hit, add some randomness to combat.

3. End Game and Victory
The game needs some different victory conditions, having to go back and eliminate some neutral countries after defeating all other opponents seems like a waste of time.
- Win when all computer/player regions are eliminated even if there are still some neutral countries left.
- Win based on selected percent ownership of the map (70, 80, 90, 100 percent of all regions).

4. Unit/Weapon Balance
- Bombers still seem way over powered with their long attack range.
- Infantry should be much harder to kill, maybe they should be hidden/invisible until you are either next to them or after they fire

5. Fog of War
The exact number of enemy units should off a little or not be know without Surveillance Aircraft in range.
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Old November 26th, 2010, 05:21 AM
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Default Re: Wish List

Based on my limited experience with the demo I do agree with your points 1-4 completely Togo. Make firing on infantry with a significant chance of missing the targets!
And I really don't like the squares of the combat map. Is it not possibe to move the units in a coordinate system like in SE V?
One more suggestion: you should have the possibility to split up stacks of units in the combat and use the individual units seperately.
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Old November 26th, 2010, 08:32 AM

ScottWAR ScottWAR is offline
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Default Re: Wish List

Originally Posted by Togo View Post
1. Auto Resolve Combat
Eliminate having to fight each and every useless battle.
Auto Resolve battles like (20 bombers vs. 1 tank), these type of battle get old real fast on a large map.

2. Random (hit/miss)
All weapons always hit, add some randomness to combat.

3. End Game and Victory
The game needs some different victory conditions, having to go back and eliminate some neutral countries after defeating all other opponents seems like a waste of time.
- Win when all computer/player regions are eliminated even if there are still some neutral countries left.
- Win based on selected percent ownership of the map (70, 80, 90, 100 percent of all regions).

4. Unit/Weapon Balance
- Bombers still seem way over powered with their long attack range.
- Infantry should be much harder to kill, maybe they should be hidden/invisible until you are either next to them or after they fire

5. Fog of War
The exact number of enemy units should off a little or not be know without Surveillance Aircraft in range.

2)Not sure about this. It sounds fine,...unitl you are the one getting screwed over by lots of consecutive bad 'rolls'. I think the current method is probably best. The randomness is HOW much damage you do.

3) Comnpletely agree

4) Agree about bombers.....especially them being able to do significant damaghe to other air units. Bombers just dont stand a chance against fighters in the real world. Infantry should be harder to hit ONLY if they are defending.

5)Intersting idea. I would say three levels of detection would be good. Far, medium, and close. -Far being just knowing they are there (numbers could be off a good bit-- units being adjacent give this). -Medium-(better knowledge of the numbers but can still be wrong--Radar stations give this) --Close--( perfect recon.-- suveilance aircraft give this).

--Some things I would like to see

- store game settings and names in setup so I dont have to keep typing in the names of the nations I use and their leaders.

- Make quitting a game take you to the main menu instead of completly exiting the game.

- a LARGER tactical combat area so there is a little more tactics involved.

- since level 1, 2 and 3 units cost the same, give us the ability to hide level 1 tech if we have level 2 etc.

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Old November 26th, 2010, 11:37 AM

MajorEET MajorEET is offline
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Default Re: Wish List

There is a file called NationNames.txt in the World Supremacy/GameTypes/Data folder that you can edit. You should copy that file to a safe location, and then edit the one in the game folder and delete all of the names they use, and just type in the names you want to use for countries...then it will always be that way. The file for leader names is there too, PlayerNames.txt.

Speaking of having different tech levels...if you have different level technology units go into battle, they fight independent. It makes a big difference. I mean, they won't stack together when in the same territory, so in the tactical battle, you could have three different tank units to maneuver if you had all three tech levels. I thought that was pretty cool.
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Old November 29th, 2010, 07:51 PM

ScottWAR ScottWAR is offline
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Default Re: Wish List

An 'Are you sure?" confirmation after hitting end turn.
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Old December 1st, 2010, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Wish List

This are all good suggestions, the victory conditions are the most important, I think. It's very annoying having to transport your units across half of the globe to conquer some leftover neutral nations. This increased the length of my first full game significantly, but the end game was very boring. Hehe, maybe the neutral nations should be able to attack after you have defeated all other players.
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Old December 1st, 2010, 10:29 AM

ScottWAR ScottWAR is offline
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Default Re: Wish List

Definately agree with the victry conditions being one of the most important things.
I would add making the tactical battle map larger as one of the most important also. After a few battles the limited tactics we can use in such a small area makes the tactical battle boring. At least against the AI.

I think the AI has to be improved as well.............in the tactical battles they only use one tactic,....rush right at me and die. I have also saw the AI move units out of a region with a city and factory in it when I had units next to it,.....instead of trying to defend it (and they already had enough to defend it without buying more units). REALLY odd behavior.
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Old December 1st, 2010, 06:31 PM

ScottWAR ScottWAR is offline
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Default Re: Wish List

In the loading/unloading screen there needs to be a way to undo an accidental unit that gets loaded.
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Old December 2nd, 2010, 06:32 AM
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Default Re: Wish List

Originally Posted by ScottWAR View Post
Definately agree with the victry conditions being one of the most important things.
I would add making the tactical battle map larger as one of the most important also. After a few battles the limited tactics we can use in such a small area makes the tactical battle boring. At least against the AI.

I think the AI has to be improved as well.............in the tactical battles they only use one tactic,....rush right at me and die. I have also saw the AI move units out of a region with a city and factory in it when I had units next to it,.....instead of trying to defend it (and they already had enough to defend it without buying more units). REALLY odd behavior.
Yeah, I saw that too. This defensive retreat tactic of the AI doesn't always make sense. And I definetely agree with your remark to the tactical battles. I agree on the idea bombers should have a short range, that they must be one square away from the target, because you see: If they bomb a target, they have to be directly over it.
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Old December 2nd, 2010, 09:32 AM

ScottWAR ScottWAR is offline
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Default Re: Wish List

Originally Posted by spillblood View Post
I agree on the idea bombers should have a short range, that they must be one square away from the target, because you see: If they bomb a target, they have to be directly over it.
Bombers dont use bombs,...they use air to ground missles which do have a much longer range in real life than any air to air missles,..so bombers having a longer range than fighters is realistic. However,...the tactical map is too small for fighters to use their addvantage effectively,..the ability to move faster. A bomber can make two moves and be in range to hit anything on the map.
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