Awund, while your hit really hurt (applause

! Though I still suspect a puppet master

) I would never bail out from losing and always fight to the last to the point when I can make no difference as an AI. I do derive some small bit of satisfaction from exacting a price from my malefactors.
The problem is I can make good on my commitment against humans, but when its the server kicking your @$$, there's nothing I can do, no matter how good I do and what plans I have in progress, the server can (and did, and probably will continue to) screw me at any time. I can handle it once, but now that it's shown itself to be a persistent problem there's no point in playing this game against the server. This stale KILLED me (I don't even have to look at my turn), and it just pisses me off when I'm on the ball checking server time, doing diplo, planning, grand plans half in motion and generally playing a decent game, then get ****** by the server, again, with more to come down the line. It's like playing chess with a lunatic, who throws the rules out the window and shoves it's king up your *** while screaming "CHECKMATE! CHECKMATE!" (pardon my analogy).
Luckily the timer issue is just for this game (I have no timer problem on the other games), so I figure I can just drop this bugged game and cross my fingers it won't happen to my others.
I appreciate the free server llamabeast provides and am impressed how stable it is. Inevitably these little hiccup happens (that's why it's called bugs, impossible to exterminate

), this hiccup in particular makes this specific game frustrating for me.
I realize I could keep track of the hosting interval myself, and I may have to go with that here if I continue (and sometimes I forget the last hosting time, or not sure when exactly it was hosted...). I rely on the timer at llamaserver and I really do use most/all of the time available planning diplo and planning moves (I have a gemflow forecast and spreadsheet for Gluttony for god's sake). Thus having a bad timer is a killer on me. You could say I'm whining and probably be half right, but the fact is a bad timer makes it hard for me to play and supremely frustrating given the effort I put in.
I did pm llamabeast about it, hopefully he can pinpoint what the problem is. If this problem can be fixed I'd that'd be great, I have no qualm getting my behind handed to me by humans, just not the server.
I didn't consider rollback actually, as it seems by general consensus to be a bad idea from what I read from the vets. I'm not sure what problem can come from rollback, so do tell if anyone knows... But if everyone is good with it though I definitely would want it to be honest. Meanwhile I'll see what luck I have in fixing the server timer (maybe impose on one of you to post server host time you see in forum?

As it sometimes don't show up right for me).