
February 11th, 2011, 08:02 AM
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Re: CBM Confusion
Because it is not just "just". The creation of CBM is a rather large investment of time. If you think it is useful to make a item table, make one yourself. People will be thankful.

February 13th, 2011, 09:04 AM
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Re: CBM Confusion
If I were somehow able to get my hands on all versions of CBM I could then post a version by version diff here. So that it will be easy to follow the exact changes over time.
First things first, let's see if such a diff is useful.
Example: 1.0 and 1.1 diff
legend: line number (CBM 1) & c(hange) or a(ppend) & line number (CBM 1.1).
< - from CBM 1
> - from CBM 1.1
< #modname "Conceptual Balance Complete 1.00"
> #modname "Conceptual Balance Complete 1.1"
< #version 1.00
> #version 1.1
< #domversion 3.04
> #domversion 3.08
> -- Morkilus creates CB summary file, to better explian the mod's goals
< #turmoilincome 6
< #deathdeath 3
< #slothresources 15
> #deathincome 3
> --Units summoned by pretenders
> #newmonster 2878
> #copystats 39
> #copysprite 39
> #name "Soldier of the West"
> #descr "Soldiers of all kinds are drawn to the legandary banner of the Lord of War, General of the West. Some are remenants of the old army of the west under the pantocrator, others are simply warriors and mercenaries looking for a higher cause."
> #mor 12
> #end
> #newmonster 2879
> #copystats 19
> #copysprite 19
> #name "Soldier of the West"
> #descr "Soldiers of all kinds are drawn to the legandary banner of the Lord of War, General of the West. Some are remenants of the old army of the west under the pantocrator, others are simply warriors and mercenaries looking for a higher cause."
> #mor 13
> #end
> #newmonster 2880
> #copystats 929
> #copysprite 929
> #name "Soldier of the East"
> #descr "Soldiers of all kinds are drawn to the legandary banner of the Celestial General. Some are remenants of the old army of the east under the pantocrator, others are simply warriors and mercenaries looking for a higher cause."
> #mor 12
> #end
> #newmonster 2881
> #copystats 788
> #copysprite 788
> #name "Soldier of the East"
> #descr "Soldiers of all kinds are drawn to the legandary banner of the Celestial General. Some are remenants of the old army of the east under the pantocrator, others are simply warriors and mercenaries looking for a higher cause."
> #mor 13
> #end
> #startdom 4
< #gemprod 5 2
< #descr "The Lord of the Gates is a demigod of immense size. He was given the task of guarding the Gates of Death in ancient times. He possesses considerable magical and physical might, and his eternal task of guarding the Gates has given knowledge of the Death and Afterworld. As a guardian of the Gates, he is accompanied by Shades from beyond whenever he goes into battle. His connection with the Gates provides him with two gems of Death magic each month."
> #domsummon 676
> #domsummon2 676
> #domsummon20 442
> #summon1 442
> #summon5 676
> #descr "The Lord of the Gates is a demigod of immense size. He was given the task of guarding the Gates of Death in ancient times. He possesses considerable magical and physical might, and his eternal task of guarding the Gates has given knowledge of the Death and Afterworld. As a guardian of the Gates, he is accompanied by Shades from beyond wherever he goes. The Lord of the Gates exerts great power over shades, and they pour forth from the underworld wherever he resides. This effect is especially powerful where the Lord of the Gate's dominion is strongest."
> #summon5 2878
> #summon1 2879
> #decr "This cunning man was once the General of the West in the old Pantokrator's armies. Needless to say he was a brilliant leader. In one of his many victories he was grievously wounded, but his master was so pleased with his performance that he saved him and ensured that this would not happen again. The general was given a divine body so that he should never fall in battle again. Now that the Pantokrator has fallen, the general calls himself Lord of War and is out to become the new God. Soldiers flock to his cause in whatever province he resides."
> #domsummon 517
> #summon1 2880
> #summon5 2881
> #decr "This wise man was once General of the East in the old Pantokrator's armies. After the General of the West had almost been slain, the Pantocrator got worried. As a precaution he granted his general a divine body so he would not easily be slain. Now that the Pantokrator has fallen, the general who calls himself the Celestial General is out to become the new God. Soldiers flock to his cause in whatever province he resides."
> #newweapon 754
> #name "Hell Hooves"
> #dmg 10
> #att 4
> #def 0
> #len 0
> #nratt 5
> #end
> #newarmor 264
> #name "Gold Plate"
> #type 5
> #prot 19
> #def -2
> #enc 4
> #rcost 20
> #end
> -Oreiad
> #selectmonster 1650
> #seduce 20
> #end
> #addreccom 1109
> --Tir na n'Og EA
> -Fir Bolg Militia
> #selectmonster 1749
> #gcost 9
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Slinger
> #selectmonster 1758
> #gcost 10
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Warrior
> #selectmonster 1757
> #gcost 12
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Warrior (axe)
> #selectmonster 1756
> #gcost 12
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Scout
> #selectmonster 1755
> #gcost 20
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Champion
> #selectmonster 1750
> #gcost 30
> #end
> -Celestial Master
> #selectmonster 1544
> #clearmagic
> #custommagic 2816 100
> #custommagic 2816 50
> #custommagic 13440 100
> #magicskill 0 1
> #magicskill 1 1
> #magicskill 2 2
> #magicskill 4 1
> #end
> -Eagle King
> #selectmonster 1286
> #armor "Gold Plate"
> #armor "Crown"
> #end
> -Unwinged
> #selectmonster 1674
> #armor "Gold Plate"
> #armor "Crown"
> #armor "Buckler"
> #end
< #gcost 28
< #gcost 30
< #gcost 34
< #gcost 70
< #newsite 890
< #name "Svartalfheim"
< #path 3
< #rarity 5
< #homecom 1010
< #level 0
< #end
< #startsite "Svartalfheim"
< #gcost 110
> #gcost 90
< #gcost 70
< #selectarmor "Light Weight Scale Mail"
> #selectarmor "Lightweight Scale Mail"
> #makemonster1 1522
> #descr "The Polypal Mothers are the mothers of the whole race of Aboleths. From thier branches grow young Polypal Spawns that will grow into Aboleths, over the centuries. The Mothers are immobile and do not communicate in any way. A constant mental wail surrounds them that seems to have some effects on thier spawn, but even the oldest Aboleth Mind Lords do not fully comprehend the will of the Mothers. The Polypal Mother spawns a handful of Polypal Spawns each month. With the growing power of the reawakened god, the numbers of monthly spawns is increaseing. If a Polypal Mother is slain she will let out a death wail that stuns everyone neraby. The Mothers are able to call on the aid of the Gibodai."
> --Eriu ME
> -Milesian Spearman
> #selectmonster 1780
> #gcost 9
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Slinger
> #selectmonster 1785
> #gcost 10
> #end
> -Fir Bolg
> #selectmonster 1787
> #gcost 12
> #end
> -Fir Bolg (axe)
> #selectmonster 1786
> #gcost 12
> #end
> -Fir Bolg Champion
> #selectmonster 1788
> #gcost 30
> #end
> -Milesian Champion
> #selectmonster 1783
> #gcost 25
> #end
> -Master Smith
> #selectmonster 325
> #clearmagic
> #magicskill 0 1
> #magicskill 3 2
> #custommagic 1024 10
> #custommagic 2432 10
> #end
< #gcost 14
> #gcost 13
> -Celestial Master
> #selectmonster 803
> #clearmagic
> #custommagic 11008 100
> #custommagic 11008 50
> #magicskill 2 2
> #magicskill 4 1
> #magicskill 3 1
> #magicskill 1 1
> #end
> -Earth Reader
> #selectmonster 1473
> #mapmove 2
> #custommagic 1664 10
> #end
> -Golem Crafter
> #selectmonster 1474
> #end
> #name "Demonbreed"
< #gcost 110
> #gcost 90
< #gcost 70
< #addreccom 807
> #addreccom 2778
> #addrecunit 1355
> -Nagini
> #selectmonster 1325
> #seduce 20
> #end
< #prec 2
> #att 2
< #fatiguecost 3000
> #fatiguecost 4000
> #selectspell "Summon Yazatas"
> #researchlevel 1
> #fatiguecost 1200
> #end
< #nreff 1027
> #precision 0
< #range 35
< #fatiguecost 40
< #researchlevel 7
> #range 30
> #fatiguecost 50
> #researchlevel 6
< #fatiguecost 7000
> #fatiguecost 6000
< #pathlevel 0 4
> #selectspell "Faery Trod"
> #fatiguecost 1500
> #end
> #selectspell "Carrion Woods"
> #researchlevel 0
> #fatiguecost 5000
> #pathcost 0 5
> #pathcost 1 4
> #end
< #selectspell "Claws of Cocytus"
> #selectspell "Claws of Kokytos"
< #fatiguecost 900
> #fatiguecost 1000
< #fatiguecost 1400
> #fatiguecost 1800
> --Yazatas
> #selectmonster 1607
> #armor "Gold Plate"
> #armor "Crown"
> #armor "Buckler"
> #end
> -- Succubus
> #selectmonster 811
> #succubus 25
> #end
< #weapon 55
< #weapon 55
< #weapon 55
< #weapon 55
< #weapon 55
> #weapon "Hell Hooves"
< #selectitem "Skull Staff"
< #mainlevel 3
< #end
< #selectitem "Starshine Skullcap"
< #mainlevel 3
< #end
< #end
< #selectitem "Water Bracelet"
< #mainlevel 2

February 16th, 2011, 09:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3
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Re: CBM Confusion
I only recently started playing with CB, and since it's currently v1.82 and doesn't seem to have a central source of documentation I've been struggling to find a list of all the changes too.
Thanks for putting all those changelogs in one post, it's very helpful.

February 18th, 2011, 04:39 PM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: CBM Confusion
Here's what I have so far, about 1/5 of the way through. Feel free to give comments/feedback on the format etc.
-Scales. Misfortune is more powerful, death and sloth scales affect income by 3% instead of 2%.
Bows and Crossbows have 5 less range
Throwing Axes have higher precision and more damage
Boulders are more powerful, mostly by being unblockable by shields.
Glaives and Naginatas are attack 0 instead of -1.
Machaka Spear has a defense of 0 instead of -1.
Heavy cavalry's Hoof attack changed to a more powerful Warhorse Hoof with higher damage(12) and attack(2).
-Gods. Most Gods' special weapons got buffed. Divine Flails and Lightning are much scarier. Also there are many price alterations. Quift made a spreadsheet of them! https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?...COSw6t8J#gid=0
All Titan and Titan-like pretenders get Domspread 2.
Winged Titans and Son of the Sun(both types) have Awe.
Rainbow pretenders generally have a researchbonus, more paths.
Dragons have 22 protection, except Carrion Dragons who entangle like a vine shield.
Manticores have higher attack, defense, fear, scarier weapons and a ranged attack.
Cyclops is more expensive, has a higher path cost(80)
Gorgon is much much more expensive at 150.
Monoliths generate 2 Nature gems a turn.
Fountain of Blood generates 3 blood slaves a turn, is better at bloodhunting.
Mother of Rivers casts Rain in battle and makes 4 water gems a turn.
Son of the Sun(fire) generates 2 Fire gems a turn.
Lord of Rebirth generates 1 Nature and 1 Death gem a turn.
Lord of Plenty generates 1 Earth and 1 Astral gem a turn.
Celestial General and Lord of War get 5 heavy infantry and a cavalry every turn.
Bull pretenders have reinvigoration 2 and less encumbrance.
Son of Fenrer domsummons Dire Wolves.
Great Enchantress is ethereal.
Divine Emperor casts Fanaticism in battle.
Father of Serpents and
Jade Emperor prevents most bad events and reduces unrest by 10.
Lord of the Gates domsummons many shades and a few shade beasts.
Lord of the Forest domsummons Moose, Boars and a few Great Bears.
Lord of the Sky domsummons Black Hawks
Vampire Queen has stealth.
Mother of Monsters domsummons Cockatrices.
Virtue has Astral magic in addition to Air!
Phoenix casts Phoenix Pyre in battle, has Awe.
-Units. In general, prices of archers have been normalized to 10 gold
-Arcosephale EA. Engineers are recruit anywhere, most troops/commanders cheaper.
Peltasts, Cardaces 10g --> 8
Icarids 18g --> 13
Chariots 45g --> 30
Chariot Archers 55g --> 35
Wind Riders 125g --> 80
Myrmidon Champion 35g --> 30
Skeptic 50g --> 25
Icarid Champion 50g --> 35
Chariot commander 70g --> 40
Engineer 60g --> 40 but Castle Defense 30 --> 10
Wind Lord 175g --> 100
Oreiad a better seducer (10 --> 12)
-Ermor EA. Bishops are recruit everywhere.
Leve 10g --> 8
Accensus 8g --> 7
Rorarus 10g --> 9
Hastatus 12g --> 10
Lizard Auxiliare 10g --> 12
Equite 40g --> 25
Equite of the Sacred Shroud 65g --> 50, att 10--> 12, def 12--> 13
Centurion 30g --> 25
Legatus Legionis 70g --> 60
-Ulm EA. Archers and Warrior Maidens are weaker, Male Warriors get higher ambidextrous and berserk.
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February 20th, 2011, 02:08 AM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: CBM Confusion
-Ulm EA. Archers and Warrior Maidens are weaker, Male Warriors get higher ambidextrous and berserk +1. Shamans got Astral included in their randoms.
Archer mapmove 2-->1, str 11-->10, hp 12-->11,
morale 11-->10, replaced shortsword w/ dagger.
Warrior Maiden 12g-->14, prec 12-->11, mor 12-->11.
Axe, Forest Warrior ambi 1-->2,
Warrior att 10-->11, ambi 1-->2
Mountain Warrior att 11--12, ambi 1-->3
Steel Warrior 25g-->20
Shaman's 1.5 random picks FEDN to FESDN
Antlered Shaman 10% FEDN pick to 50% FESDN
-Marverni. Druids cheaper, Boar Lords get some cool stuff. Some new national spells--see the Spells section.
Horn Blower 20g --> 15
Javelineer 9g --> 8
Ambibate Bare Chested Warrior 11g --> 10
Ambibate Noble Warrior 14g --> 13
Carnute Bare Chested Warrior 13g --> 10,
Morale 11 --> 12, att 10 --> 11
Carnute Noble Warrior 17g -->13,
Morale 12 --> 13
Eponi Knight 30g --> 22, hoof attack.
Boar Warrior 30g --> 20, Morale 13 --> 14
Marverni Chieftain 30g --> 25
Vergobret 50g --> 40
Ambibate Chieftain 35g --> 30, standard 10.
Carnute Chieftain 40g --> 30
Eponi Chieftain 60g --> 40, gained hoof attack.
Boar Lord 100g --> 50, Priest 1, reinvig 4,
HP 15 --> 16, Morale 14 --> 15, Str 13 --> 14,
Att 13 --> 15, Def 11 --> 14, magic entangling axe.
Druid 380g --> 340
-Tir na n'Og. Various national spells--see the Spell section. Lower encumbrance across the board.
Fir Bolg Militia 10g --> 9
Fir Bolg Warrior(both kinds) 13g --> 11
Fir Bolg Champion 45g --> 25
Ri Awe +1
-Fomoria. Lower encumbrance for Firbolgs/Nemedians, higher for full Giants.
Fir Bolg Warrior 13g --> 11
Fomorian Giant 110g --> 90
Fomorian Champion 45g --> 40
Unmarked Champion 120g --> 70
-Sauromatia. Starting troops changed. 15 Archers now 10 Raiders.
Archer 10g --> 11
Amazon 13g --> 11
Raider 20g --> 17, gained hoof att, prec 8 --> 10.
Lancer gained Hoof attack.
Sauromatian Raider 25g --> 19, gained hoof att, prec 8 --> 10
Sauromatian Lancer 25g --> 24, gained hoof att, prec 8 --> 10
Sauromatian Cataphract 40g --> 30, gained Warhorse Hoof
Androphag Archer 12g --> 20
Hydra Hatchling 35g --> 20
Hydra 250g --> 200
Hydra Tamer 40g --> 20
Manflayer 100g --> 55
Chieftain 60g --> 30
Sauromatian Manflayer 80g --> 50
Warrior Priestess 110g --> 60
Warrior Queen 90g --> 65
Warrior Sorceress 160g --> 140
-T'ien Ch'i EA. Master of the Five Elements gained a 10% random.
Footman 10g --> 8
Footman(glaive/spear and shield) 10g --> 9
Archer Morale 10 --> 9
Celestial Master got a 10% FAWEN random.
Horseman got a Hoof attack.
-Mictlan EA. Moon Warriors got magic weapons.
Warrior(unarmored) 9g --> 7
Warrior(Mictlan armour) 9g --> 7
Warrior(spear, javelin) 9g -->7, mor 10 --> 11
Warrior(mace) 9g --> 8, mor 10 --> 11
Feathered Warrior 18g --> 14, mor 11 --> 12
Sun Warrior 17g --> 15, mor 12 --> 13,
att 11 --> 13, def 11 --> 12, prec 10 --> 12
-Abysia EA. Got Flare as a research-0 national spell.
Salamander 60g --> 45
Beast Trainer 75g --> 25
Warlord 60g --> 30, mor 13 --> 14,
Att 12 --> 14, def 10 --> 11
Warmaster att 13 --> 15, def 11 --> 12
Slayer 80g --> 50
Demonbred Assassin 100g --> 60
-Caelum EA. Ice weapons get an AP Freeze extra, Raptors lower enc.
Spire Horn Warrior 10g --> 7
Spire Horn Warrior(shield) 10g --> 8
Tempest Warrior 15g --> 12, lightning immune.
Caelian Light Infantry 10g --> 9
Raptor 10g --> 7, enc 4 --> 3
Raptoran Warrior enc 4 --> 3
Mammoth 120g --> 140, prot 13 --> 12, enc 3 --> 4
Tempest Lord lightning immune.
Harab Seraph enc 4 --> 3
Eagle King Fire Plate --> Gold Plate
-C'tis EA. Got Terror as a Research-0 national spell.
Militia 7g --> 5
Light Infantry 10g --> 8
Falchioneer 13g --> 12, att 10 --> 12, ambi 2 --> 3
Runner 12g --> 11, ap 16 --> 22
Sacred Serpent 30g --> 19
Taskmaster 30g --> 20
Commander of C'tis 40g --> 25
Lizard Lord 60g --> 40
Hierodule 40g --> 35
Lizard Heir 120g --> 60, hp 15 --> 16
Lizard King 280g --> 240
-Pangaea EA. Got Panic as a research-0 national spell.
Satyr Sneak 10g --> 8
Satyr(javelin) 10g --> 8
Satyr(buckler) 10g --> 8
Satyr Warrior 13g --> 11
Minotaur 40g --> 30
Minotaur Warrior 50g --> 35
Centaur 30g --> 22
Minotaur Lord 65g --> 40
Centaur Hierophant 90g --> 80
Panii 350g --> 320
-Agartha EA. PD 20 grants darkness. Prefer Heat-1 now. All Agarthans get mountain survival.
Wet One 10g --> 9
Pale One 10g --> 9
Troglodyte Lord 90g --> 50
Ancient Lord 90g --> 60
Ancient Stone Hurler(both types) 45g --> 35
Oracle(all kinds) 400 --> 350
-Vanheim EA. Reduced Encumbrance for all Glamour units.
Serf Warrior 8g --> 7
Fay Boars 100g --> 75
-Helheim EA. Reduced Encumbrance(3-->2) for all Glamour units.
-Niefelheim EA. Increased Encumbrance(2-->3) for Niefel Giant, Lord.
Hurler def 7 --> 9
Jotun Javelinist mor 12 --> 13
Niefel Giant enc 2 --> 3, chill aura 15 --> 8
Jotun Herse 60g --> 50
Niefel Jarl 500g --> 600, enc 2 --> 3,
chill aura 15 --> 10
-Kailasa. New commander--Avati Chieftain as a cheap commander.
Atavi Archer att 10 --> 8, def 10 --> 8
Atavi Infantry 9g --> 8
Bandar Light Archer HP 16 --> 17, mor 12 --> 10
att 11 --> 10, def 9 --> 8
Bandar Warrior 20g --> 18
Bandar Swordsman HP 18 --> 19, att 11 --> 12,
def 9 --> 8
Guhyaka 35g --> 30
Yavana 40g --> 35
Yavana 35g --> 30
Bandar Commander 50g --> 40
Yakshini 360g --> 320, awe +1 --> +3
Yaksha 360g --> 320
Asara 35g --> 25
Anusara 35g --> 25, enc 3 --> 2
Bandar Commander 50g --> 40
Bandaraja 75g --> 50, standard 10
Manushya Rakshasi seduce 10 --> 12
-Yomi. Bakemono size 2 --> 1.
Bakemono-Sho(club & yari) 8g --> 7
Bakemono Archer 8g --> 9, mor 8 --> 7,
att 10 --> 8, def 10 --> 8
Bandit(yari) got heavier armor
Bandit(shortbow) mor 10 --> 9
Ko-Oni 12g --> 10
Ao-Oni 20g --> 15
Aka-Oni 25g --> 20
Oni 40g --> 35
Kuro-Oni 50g --> 45
Bandit Leader 35g --> 25
Demon General 100g --> 80
Oni General 150g --> 130
The Following User Says Thank You to kianduatha For This Useful Post:

February 20th, 2011, 09:35 AM
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Re: CBM Confusion
Originally Posted by kianduatha
Here's what I have so far, about 1/5 of the way through. Feel free to give comments/feedback on the format etc.
Thank you very much for taking the time to do this, it's very nice of you. I hope you find the time to finish it.

February 20th, 2011, 10:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 78
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Re: CBM Confusion
Thaks for taking the effort to do this, it's very informative!
Originally Posted by kianduatha
Father of Serpents and
There seems to be something missing here?
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