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Old February 27th, 2011, 12:52 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Shades_of_Green, ended, earcaraxe won

hi! im back to dominions after 3 month of absence, and looking for five nice players for this nice game. Players with any experience level are welcomed.

map: Six Lands
era: Middle
win condition: occupation of 4 capitals or consensus
mods: CBM 1.83
hosting: 24 hrs, quickhost, tolerance
special rule: the spell "burden of time" is forbidden

earcaraxe: Abysia
nrasch: Bandar Log
kianduatha: Machaka
Saeter: Pythium
Ossa: Ulm
Numahr: Shinuyama

to those who are thinking about joining this game but got uncertain because of calahan's malignant outrage:

i encourage you to check out the links he provided and two things will be obvious:

-in none of those games did I and calahan play together (and in any other game too btw)
-none of those games were "ruined" by my leaving.

From the reflexions of other players here i consider myself a cooperative, friendly person. If you prefer your own eyes instead of some strangers statements (including mine), come join (there is no risk).

Last edited by earcaraxe; May 8th, 2011 at 04:54 AM..
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Old February 27th, 2011, 01:36 AM

kianduatha kianduatha is offline
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting

I'd love to play Machaka.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 01:53 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting

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Old February 27th, 2011, 05:47 AM
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting

I'd like to join as Pythium. Thanks.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 09:22 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting

Just so you all know, I highly recommend NEVER playing in a game with earcaraxe. He is one of the least reliable players, and one of the biggest bailers that I know to have ever (unfortunately) been part of the Dominions community.

So a warning to everyone who thinks about playing in this game. earcaraxe is a known bailer, and the examples I will give below are just those I know about. As I will be amazed if there are not other examples as well. Something I can tell you all for certain is that earcaraxe will either win this game or abandon it at some stage once he realises he can't win. And he won't care in the slightest about the rest of you at that time, as he doesn't care about any other player or person he plays games with other than himself. As all he wants to do is have "his fun", which meanings "winning" in his books. You can also get some clues to this by his choice of nation and banned spells (yes, why don't we all create games where you have banned the best and most powerful spell to stop your nation. As that will greatly increase your chance to win, and minimise the chances of having your "fun" spoilt. Why not try this for an easier game... "New game. I'm playing LA Ermor, and I'm banning the recruitment of priests").

During his brief time here last year earcaraxe.....

- Tried joining a newbie game after having won 2-3 MP games already.

- Dropped out of Pyrite as a leading mid-nation for no apparent reason (truth being he had no chance to catch the leader, therefore no interest in playing anymore)

- Dropped out of Gluttony for no reason. (check the OP for nation-player info)

- Simply dropped out of the team game Preponderance 2 leaving his nation to stale, revealing his identity (which was against the rules as it was anonymous game), abandoning his team-mate, and going directly against the wishes of the admin. (I was in the game, and he dropped out as he had no chance to win, and had just lost a huge army for nothing against a vet. So instead of staying to learn from good players, he simply bailed, as all he wants is to win, and fight newb players he knows he can beat).

- Simply walked out of Crucible

- Simply walked out of "Great Forum" (he was admin and organiser at the time)

You are all of course still free to play in this game if you wish, but do not think lightening won't strike twice (or the umpteenth time in earcaraxe's case). But ask yourself if it's worth the hassle of having your game potentially ruined at a later stage.

But if any of you who have signed up here want to play in a new MP game (or anyone who signs up afterwards) then please PM me or find me on IRC. As I will happily organise a new game for anyone who wants one, with whatever settings they want. And I do this here because I certainly do not want to see any more good members of the Dominions community have their game negatively affected by known bailers like earcaraxe "the douche bag king". As he highly disrupted several games in the past I have been part of in some way, and done likewise to others as well. Remember, a leopard never changes it's spots, and once a bailer douche-bag, always a bailer douche-bag.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 04:56 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting

wow, something really got u moving calahan. I'm not totally surprised of this act of yours nor the style of it, since u acted very arrogantly and hostile from the first time we had some contact, and as i see it on these forums u have a tendency to act this hostile and rude with others too. U no doubt have a gift of finding enemies and "douche bag kings" u can fight against.

I would like to articulate my opinion in a nutshell:
-"having fun in a game" for me doesnt equal winning. I have never quit a dominions MP game because i thought i had no chance of winning.
-i believe the games i subbed out didnt got „ruined” (mostly because of finding replacements quickly).
-i didnt try to„sneak into” a noob game as i consider myself a newbie at the time.

As i am sure if i tried to disproof your examples here point by point, u sure would be compelled to continue ur mysteriously motivated fighting here, so i wont do that, and i wont answer any more of your posts here. If anyone interested in my point of view in the particular cases, i gladly tell him in PM, then it will up to him to decide to take the „risk” of joining a game where some players (possibly me) might sub out for unforeseeable reasons.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting (6/4)

Well he does have a point that banning BoT as you yourself are planning to play Abysia is just the kind of a move a player, who could be compared to a feminine hygiene product, would do.

It is also a move a Scrub would do.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 08:27 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting (6/4)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser View Post
Well he does have a point that banning BoT as you yourself are planning to play Abysia is just the kind of a move a player, who could be compared to a feminine hygiene product, would do.

It is also a move a Scrub would do.
the 5 most common banned spells - as in the banned spells mod - are BoT, utterdark, astral corruption, arcane nexus and forge of the ancients.

I was thinking about adding the whole mod, then i gave a thought to it:

-FotA is like ulm's national afaik, so i dont want to ban it.

-arcane nexus is - from what i read - is not too strong in small games like this. i find this plausible, but i would like to have firsthand experience of it to see it for myself, so i didnt want that banned.

-astral corruption - from what i read - is not primarily banned for overpoweredness, but because of the huge micro it requires to avoid its effect. in a small game like this, this shouldn be a problem. im not sure of it, it might be true, might be false, but i would like a firsthand experience of it too to judge it for myself, just like arcane nexus.

-that leaves utterdark and BoT. i have experience with BoT, and i believe it would improve game experience banning it. I havent seen utterdark in MP yet, but the great difference between them, that it can be dispelled next turn and pretend it never happened, and that cant be said about BoT: it cannot be dispelled quickly enough to not kill the old mages.

banning BoT helps a lot a nations (although i think only marginaly). I wasnt doing this with the aim of improvign my chances of winning.

If you would like to join the game (which i would be glad to hear), im open to discussing it, and I very much welcome constructive arguments. But i would like to point out that so far only outsiders had problem with the banning of BoT, the players who will actually play this game are seemingly fine with it.
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Old February 28th, 2011, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting (4/6)

This thread is quite rapidly going into territory that sees it locked away to oblivion. We don't do "List of bad players" threads because of the acrimony they cause and this is starting to go very much in that direction. If you want to argue about each other, take it to PMs.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 09:58 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Shades_of_Green, recruiting (4/6)

guys, what would u say about a game in silent seas instead? we could start right away. just an idea.
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