Originally Posted by escafoides
Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos
I don't have a preference, because I don't know the difference.
The same here xD.
Below is what I wrote on the sister thread as a sort of quick guide to the CBM changes.
A good rule of thumb up until CBM 1.5 was that if it works in vanilla, then it'll work in CBM. (as the transition from vanilla to CBM was fairly easy up until CBM 1.5, as until then CBM mostly only added things to the game by fixing unused/unusable things). Edit - So if you play a nation a certain way in vanilla, then it's very likely to play the same in CBM upto 1.5.
CBM 1.6 removed the gem generating items Clam of Pearls, Bloodstone and Fever Fetish, so CBM 1.6 does play a lot differently to vanilla if you are highly reliant on gem generating items. Otherwise it plays more or less the same.
CBM 1.7+ removed hammers, along with changing a whole host of other things, and adding numerous spells and nation boosts. I haven't played a game with CBM 1.82 to tell for certain how different it is from vanilla, but my guess is it's pretty big, as I'm currently playing a CBM 1.7 game, and I can already tell it has a very different feel to CBM 1.6. (as I played several CBM 1.6 and games, and CBM 1.7 is a different beast all together. Although CBM 1.82 is certainly better than 1.7, but both are a different playing experience to vanilla).
If we go with CBM 1.6, then I'd say you'll be fine with your vanilla knowledge just as long as nothing about your strategy involves gem gens.
If we go for CBM 1.82, then you best bet is simply to play SP game with your nation (and maybe against the other nation in this game) so that you can get some idea what the changes are. But it'll be hard for anyone to give you a good opinion on how 1.82 plays right now, as hardly any games have been played with it for people to know how it plays. (and those MP games that are using it are likely in the early stages)
IMO Executor and CthulhuDreams are largely right in advising new players should play vanilla before CBM, but with the proviso IMO that gem gens shouldn't be part of any game. As they really don't work well at all, and anyone who gets too used to needing them to be competitive in MP games (as several players have in the past), will find it a lot more difficult to adjust to non-gem gen games (which is all games using CBM 1.6+).
But I personally think that playing wise, CBM 1.6 plays close enough to vanilla (with the exception of gem gens) for me to say that it provides a better MP gaming experience for new players than just playing vanilla does. As vanilla has a lot of problems due to the large number of units, summons, items, spells and pretenders (ie. large parts of the base game) that are pretty much unusable due to their cost and/or general uselessness. But CBM addresses most of these problems in versions 1.0 - 1.6, meaning CBM 1.6 provides the most "fun" (fun = variety of strategic options) while still largely maintaining it's connection with the vanilla game. All IMO of course