The best PD ?
I was thinking about this topic yesterday - we all know that monkey nations, Fomoria, Caelum, Machaka are locked in a bitter struggle to determine just who has the worst. PD. Ever. I'm fairly convinced Machaka doesn't even need an actual enemy for its PD to kill itself and rout.
But what of the other end of the spectrum ? Which nation(s) would you say has the best, most effective PD ?
I know Ermor's is pretty nice (tower shields, javelins, decent armour, a mage that can paralyze), Abysia as well particularly in the EA where the lack of humanbreds forces the PD to be all heat-aura Abysians plus a fireball chucker in the back. Gath has decent light infantry, plus sacreds over 20 points. Who else is in the running ?
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.