Wow, have not looked at the turn yet. Basically what I did was ignore the manual and assume that level h1 priests can reduce dom9 down. (It was a gamble, I had a lot of them there, and they could not crack the fort, so it was a gamble). I did have a couple of h2 priests, but these also only get a small chance of preaching away dominion. That I was able to do it was an unexpected bonus. (And could be a bug, h1 priest vs dom 9 should have -5% chance of preaching away the dominion. But it could also be that the % chance is recalculated each time, so 2 h2 priests to put it down to dom 7, and then the massed other h1 priests to take it away. Ps, Dragonrider used the preaching away dominion trick against my forts a lot in bootcamp. I almost lost my vampire armies there).
The huge communion and undead mastery was my final master plan to stop you. I spend the last dunno 10 turns or so, setting that up, forging, researching (lich, undead mastery). Just to pull a turn 1 mastery. And I only moved the communion in this turn, so the destruction of the PD would not give you any indication it was a deadly attack).
Also, I boosted undead mastery to the extreme. 32 slaves +6 magical path (so +3 penetration), lich was lvl 5 +1 for a gem, and had +4 penetration. Base magical save for undead mastery is 8 (it is easy after all). So any undead troops had to save against 15. Which is pretty nice against base mr 10 units. I hoped you would attack me so I would get defenders advantage. (else your troops would have had mr 14).
Of course this was risky as hell, if it had failed you could have easily taken out my retreat routes and routed my army, killing everything.
If a random attack had killed the lich, the whole plan would have failed. Etc etc etc.
Of course, I would advise you not to dispair yet. The game is far from over. I basically used all my gems for this trick. (Basically the biggest gamble I ever took in any game. But I'm glad it paid off

). But you still have around 7k of undead left. And they increase each turn.
Remember I did use over 100 mages in that battle. It was my master plan. If it had failed, I would have probably conceded to you. Or at least known I could not win anymore.
A well, glad to hear it turned out okey.