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Old October 31st, 2011, 09:02 AM

triqui triqui is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

It has been a damn interesting war!
Facing two oponents is allways a nightmare (twice as much capital only units, twice as much orders, twice the reserach...), but facing both Tien Chi and Jotun proves to be a complete challenge. Not only they got the shock and awe of surprise attack, but they have absolutelly different threats that need absolutelly different answers:
Jotun has a full decked out SC God, backed up with spare, powerful, high hit points strong units. Tien Chi on the other hand, has huge amounts of standard troops (thanks to his soldier poping god), backed up by large amounts of low level mages that comunion. It's quite the opposite angle.

Both threats are dangerous, but facing both threats at the same time, is too much: whatever counter you research to face the SC is completelly useless against masses of archers, troops and mages. Whatever you research or recruit to face Tien Chi combination, is just a joke against Jotun high HP, high Threat units.

However, despise facing utter defeat, I'm quite happy about most my design choices. I'm planning to write a guide about Ermor, I think my build worked smooth. My diplomacy was not that good, though :P.

I'll keep doing turns just to avoid stalling everybody, but my nation is pretty much doomed. I'll be eated by both Tien Chi and Jotun in no time. But had a blast in this war, very good one
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Old November 1st, 2011, 06:28 PM

Olm Olm is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by triqui View Post
It has been a damn interesting war!
Facing two oponents is allways a nightmare (twice as much capital only units, twice as much orders, twice the reserach...), but facing both Tien Chi and Jotun proves to be a complete challenge. Not only they got the shock and awe of surprise attack, but they have absolutelly different threats that need absolutelly different answers:
Jotun has a full decked out SC God,
I have seen their god, and I wouldn't call him a SC.
Originally Posted by triqui View Post

backed up with spare, powerful, high hit points strong units. Tien Chi on the other hand, has huge amounts of standard troops (thanks to his soldier poping god), backed up by large amounts of low level mages that comunion. It's quite the opposite angle.

Both threats are dangerous, but facing both threats at the same time, is too much: whatever counter you research to face the SC is completelly useless against masses of archers, troops and mages. Whatever you research or recruit to face Tien Chi combination, is just a joke against Jotun high HP, high Threat units.

However, despise facing utter defeat, I'm quite happy about most my design choices. I'm planning to write a guide about Ermor, I think my build worked smooth. My diplomacy was not that good, though :P.
I think that was the problem.
You started out very strong, and I was happy someone tried to reign you in.
But I missed the point where you just got to much into the disadvantage.
Had you asked for help, I would have probably provided it to stop the giants from getting as strong as they are now. And you probably should have had an ally from the start. Thats something to learn: Don't underestimate diplomacy, talk to your neighbors.
Originally Posted by triqui View Post

I'll keep doing turns just to avoid stalling everybody, but my nation is pretty much doomed. I'll be eated by both Tien Chi and Jotun in no time. But had a blast in this war, very good one
I am happy you had fun with this game. Makes my decisions easier :-)

The nation of Man takes all that has been said here as an unconditional surrender of the ermorian empire and regards that empire as not existing anymore. Man troops will start seizing ermorian provinces on the central island immediately. Of those provinces we claim the three provinces between the Glimmering Fields and the Midge Fens as well as those two provinces as part of our realm. All other provinces may be subject to negotiations, if other nations do wish so.
We want to emphasize to T'ien Chi that this is only valid for ermorian provinces on the island. We have no interest in provinces east of the southern river.
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Old November 1st, 2011, 06:56 PM

SpaceViking21 SpaceViking21 is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by Olm View Post

The nation of Man takes all that has been said here as an unconditional surrender of the ermorian empire and regards that empire as not existing anymore. Man troops will start seizing ermorian provinces on the central island immediately. Of those provinces we claim the three provinces between the Glimmering Fields and the Midge Fens as well as those two provinces as part of our realm. All other provinces may be subject to negotiations, if other nations do wish so.
We want to emphasize to T'ien Chi that this is only valid for ermorian provinces on the island. We have no interest in provinces east of the southern river.

As King Harald's head lawyer, Hrimmner, I have to file a cease and desist against Morgan La Fey and her minions against claiming any of Ermor's provinces, invoking the ancient Rite of Conquest. The law states that no non-participant in a conflict may lay claim to any portion of the spoils until after the conflict has ended and the land divided between the victors. Note that one is only considered a participant if he declares war before an admission of defeat.

Just because the ancient rites were created long before your people does not excuse ignorance of the customs.
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Old November 1st, 2011, 07:47 PM

Olm Olm is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by SpaceViking21 View Post


The Mistress of Avalon does not accept being shouted at, nor does she take commands by anyone! For this insolence she expects the head of the originator to be presented to her within a month. If that happens We assume that person acted on itself and without consent of King Harald, and we can discuss further relations. If not We have to abort diplomatic relations to the Jotun nation, since We are not willing to discuss with such impolite ambassadors.
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Old November 1st, 2011, 08:07 PM

SpaceViking21 SpaceViking21 is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by Olm View Post
Originally Posted by SpaceViking21 View Post


The Mistress of Avalon does not accept being shouted at, nor does she take commands by anyone! For this insolence she expects the head of the originator to be presented to her within a month. If that happens We assume that person acted on itself and without consent of King Harald, and we can discuss further relations. If not We have to abort diplomatic relations to the Jotun nation, since We are not willing to discuss with such impolite ambassadors.

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Old November 1st, 2011, 10:16 PM

Morla Morla is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Meanwhile in the dephs of the Forges of Ulm, Aresha after an unfortunate explosion in the lab, was very busy forging the Staff of Elemental Mastery.

We the peaceful nation of Ulm request two lands from Jotun that belongs to Ermor: Pack Woods(81) and The Woodlands(80).
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Old November 1st, 2011, 10:21 PM

SpaceViking21 SpaceViking21 is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by Morla View Post
Meanwhile in the dephs of the Forges of Ulm, Aresha after an unfortunate explosion in the lab, was very busy forging the Staff of Elemental Mastery.

We the peaceful nation of Ulm request two lands from Jotun that belongs to Ermor: Pack Woods(81) and The Woodlands(80).
Oh, since you asked so nicely, hit me up in PMs and we can discuss a trade.
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Old November 2nd, 2011, 08:12 AM

triqui triqui is offline
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Default Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by Olm View Post
I think that was the problem.
You started out very strong, and I was happy someone tried to reign you in.
But I missed the point where you just got to much into the disadvantage.
Had you asked for help, I would have probably provided it to stop the giants from getting as strong as they are now. And you probably should have had an ally from the start. Thats something to learn: Don't underestimate diplomacy, talk to your neighbors.
Well, I made SEVERAL posts in this threads where I explicitly asked for any help, saying I would pay, bribe, or ally with anyone willing to attack either Tien Chi or Jotun. The problem was that the two nations that had borders with them where not willing to do so (I asked them repeatidely), and the rest of the nations (like Man) where very far away, and too interested in growing while watching the decline of Ermor, which is a very legitimate (and clever) decission btw. It's not that I didn't ask for help. I did, several times. But people was not willing to help the guy that was leading in provinces, everybody would preffer to wait to see him "peeled off" a bit. The problem is, once an empire crumbles, it does so very fast. As a rule of thumb, it's probably too late for help when all the castles are being sieged

I am happy you had fun with this game. Makes my decisions easier :-)

The nation of Man takes all that has been said here as an unconditional surrender of the ermorian empire and regards that empire as not existing anymore. Man troops will start seizing ermorian provinces on the central island immediately. Of those provinces we claim the three provinces between the Glimmering Fields and the Midge Fens as well as those two provinces as part of our realm. All other provinces may be subject to negotiations, if other nations do wish so.
We want to emphasize to T'ien Chi that this is only valid for ermorian provinces on the island. We have no interest in provinces east of the southern river.
I haven't surrendered. I just recognize that, with all my castles being sieged, there's nothign I can do. Which is pretty obvious. I can, and will, however, play. I still have several mages in my castles, that can also do some nasty tricks. Tien Chi and Jotun HAVE to take them out, and I'm not going to go AI. They'll have to kill me, and they will suffer cassualties in the process. Maybe, if they fumble the ball, I can wipe one of the armies, who know.

What I can't do, is recruit. So the only thing I can do with my money, is raise PD. Just want everybody to know...

I have seen their god, and I wouldn't call him a SC
It is. Frost aura 21-29, reinvigoration, quickness, firebrand, Vineshield, Fear +5, Awe, Prot around 18-26+ (Depending weather, has strong cold power), Def around 30, luck, Regeneration, high HP (110-170, depending Dominion), that is a SC. Sure, he is relatively weak in one aspect (Magic Resist), and paralize would had take him out. But that was my point: as I had to research to paralyze, and doing such, my research was pointless against Tien Chi, who needed battlefield evocations and troop-enhancing spells like Body Ethereal. I couldn't face both threats easily.

Last edited by triqui; November 2nd, 2011 at 08:26 AM..
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