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Old March 17th, 2012, 09:23 AM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

I love the fact that there are two different wars going on. While I am having a cold war with Hinnom, Ulm and Caelium are going for the more straightforward approach with Abyssia.
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Old March 17th, 2012, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Originally Posted by bbz View Post
I love the fact that there are two different wars going on. While I am having a cold war with Hinnom, Ulm and Caelium are going for the more straightforward approach with Abyssia.
I guess you could say Abyssia's war is...
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Old March 17th, 2012, 02:25 PM

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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

lol nice way of putting it
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Old March 17th, 2012, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Thx to the infinite kindness of Abysia, we are willing to leave Ulm lands if Caelum stops his attacks.
Now concerning Nief no need to remind you that he draws the first blood and deserve his fate.
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Old March 17th, 2012, 11:36 PM

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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

*Enter Vampire Count*

VC: Milady, the crypto-fascistic communists of Abysia have been routed, and their offensive destroyed as they sought to continue their illegal, and scandalous advance into the motherland. As you predicted, Reagan Smashed.
Trish: Eeeeexcellent. Guards! Fetch the messenger! And the cow!

*Enter Messenger, with Cow*

M: Milady?
C: Moooo?
Trish (to Messenger): Send the Abysians this message.

Turn 24, a month that will live in infamy. The peaceloving thralls and undead of Ulm was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the bloodthirsty human and undead forces of the Despotate of Abysia. This attack was unprovoked: no action even remotely aggressive was undertaken on our part against the Abysians. It is clear, from the disposition of Abysian forces upon our demilitarized border in the turns leading up to it, that this was a premeditated act of aggression. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Niefelheim, we shall fight on the hills and mountains, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength of the arcane, we shall defend our homeland, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the plains, we shall fight on the wastelands, we shall fight in the forests and in the farmlands, we shall fight in fortresses; we shall never surrender. Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the Ulmish people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
M: Smashingly good, madam. Delivering it right away.

*Messenger Leaves*

Trish (to Cow and Guards): Deliver this cow to the Abysian messenger outside the gate. You know how.
C: Moooooo?!?!?! Moo!!!!!

*Guards take away Cow*

Trish: Yes, yeees. Everything is going according to plan. Now they will witness the power of this fully-armed and operational battle stat-, err nation! *cue crazed laughter* *cue coughing fit*

In less ridiculous mode, I reject the Abysian offer of peace, after they launched an unprovoked offensive upon our lands. Any such peace with such a vicious and violent neighbor is out of the question, as it will inevitably be violated by these vicarious vermin. Ours is a vendetta, that shall see the vacillating varmits vapulated vegetely. They tried to vulnerate the vespiary of Ulm, and shall be dealt with accordingly.

In serious mode, until Abysia shows that it will abide by such a peace (of which it has shown no signs of doing), there will be no peace. They must vacate the lands they have wantonly occupied from the peaceful peasants of Ulm, and additionally raise the siege of Niefelheim, as well as provide a small connection between Niefelheim and Ulmish lands. Unless such terms are met, then Abysia has not shown good faith in adhering and forging a lasting peace between our nations, and there can only be grimdark war (in the 41st millennium, no less).

That being said, Operation Reagan Smash was quite a failure. My communions didn't all go off, and they didn't fire any Solar Rays or Dust to Dusts (note to self, remember to place mages in range of the spells they're scripted to cast). As a result, the losses we took were unacceptably high for what should've been a complete rout (it should've been an "ITS A TARP [Trap, even!])". But that scripting error almost turned it into this, though not quite. At least we didn't lose a whole lot of metal bawkses.

So many nerdy references, so little room. _(<_<)>

Originally Posted by bbz View Post
I love the fact that there are two different wars going on. While I am having a cold war with Hinnom, Ulm and Caelium are going for the more straightforward approach with Abyssia.
No so much straightforward, since I was the one attacked here (I'm starting to see a pattern with my MP games...always fighting defensive wars, hurr).
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Old March 18th, 2012, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Originally Posted by Bullock View Post
Thx to the infinite kindness of Abysia, we are willing to leave Ulm lands if Caelum stops his attacks.
Now concerning Nief no need to remind you that he draws the first blood and deserve his fate.

The Caelum empire will temporarily halt operations against Abysia, to allow time for your peoples to consider the errors of their warmongering ways.

We stand with our Ulm allies demands for a cease fire. And we are hopeful that some form of truce can be made to accommodate a more peaceful coexistence for all the peoples of the eastern lands.
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Old March 18th, 2012, 04:02 AM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

I'm glad that at least one of you does some reasonable request for a peace agreement

If i have a confirmation of Ulm i will withdraw my troops from his 2 lands.
However Nief's lands are mine, and that's not warmongering cause he attacked me !
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Old March 18th, 2012, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Originally Posted by Bullock View Post
I'm glad that at least one of you does some reasonable request for a peace agreement

If i have a confirmation of Ulm i will withdraw my troops from his 2 lands.
However Nief's lands are mine, and that's not warmongering cause he attacked me !

Nieflhiem made a mistake. Obviously.

However, so did you with your planned eastern (warmongering) assault of the great nation of Ulm.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

You have been granted an opportunity to erase your mistake, and Nief's mistake, for the benefit of the whole world. The decision is yours to make. Decide wisely.
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Old March 18th, 2012, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

i Should be the one asking for compensation for the attacks of Nief & Caelum !!

However my mate convince me to leave land 33 to find a peace agreement. This land as 10k pop and produce gem, i think it's a fair deal.
I won't let land 30 go cause it produces hobbits and they are a part of my evil plan.

It's your call.
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Old March 18th, 2012, 12:44 PM

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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Offer rejected. *lobs another farm animal at the messenger*

The independence of Niefel, either with outlying lands or merely a city-state, is nearly non-negotiable. If you refuse this key stipulation, hostilities shall be resumed then.

In the interests of peace, however, I will leave this option on the table for the red menace. In addition to the border you proposed, there will be a 150 blood slave indemnity (which may also be paid in gems, at a rate of 2 slaves to 1.4 gems), to be paid within a six month period. That offer will remain on the table for your leisure, though the border will be subject to change past next turn (depending on the extent of conquest). This is my final, non-negotiable offer. If you agree to it, I will be willing to sign an NAP-2 with you (and I never break my word). If not: alors, c'est la guerre.

I will not make aggressive action for this turn. After that, the ceasefire will expire.
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