Originally Posted by oldrocker99
Origin (of ULTIMA fame) and Steve Jackson Games had a deal going in the mid-80s (C=64 days) and OGRE and CAR WARS were released. CAR WARS was a simple arcade game  with none of the delicious complexity and backstory of the PNP game, while OGRE was a bit more successful  as a translation. OGRE did not contain the GEV expansion  ; it was the basic map.
It's my supposition (only) that Steve Jackson was so disappointed with CAR WARS that he abandoned computer games; he has been spotted wearing a T-shirt saying (recalling from memory here), "I'm Steve Jackson. The other one [there's a UK game designer with the same name]. I have ideas for a computer game. Talk to me."
I don't think anything came of it; his company is still producing lots of board games, and 16 years ago, made the best collectible card game ever (imho), ILLUMINATI: NEW WORLD ORDER  .
Steve and I were talking about both having the same name and the confusion with Steve Jackson in the UK, and he suggested we each change our name to Gary Gygax, a moniker so original that it would end all confusion...