No worries. I know this is your first host.
Usually if there is a desire to rollback. The requestor posts on the board and its usually debated. I think I've seen this 3 or 4 times. Everytime its been decided not too because of the chance of corruption. In one of those cases it led to bad feelings and the game was ended unfortunatley.
If its agreed to rollback, then the rollback occurs (like I said I haven't seen this yet, but I know it does happen). Otherwise it moves forward.
My personal feeling is that a stale is kind of like the fog/bad luck of war. But I recognize and accept that is me and am fine with others asking for/getting rollback. I guess its the chessplayer in me

All that being said. We rolled back so let's go for it. I'm thinking in future it may be a good idea to post a rollback policy prior to game being started so that everyone is on the same page ahead of try to avoid the awkward situation.