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Old April 8th, 2012, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Dawn of the 39th month - 14 candles remain.

Betrayal so cruel, Now that Fomoria and Hinnom are working together to continue the heinous blood sacrifice against Arcoscephale it seems our fate it sealed!

In our will we shall leave all of our possessions to... The new players whom have been most gracious to Arcoscephale! Caelum even donated a Ring of Lightning with their limited resources for us free of charge. To return, we shall forge the last artifacts and magic boosters most hastily, and bring them upon our allies in a most festive manner. Praise be to Chi'ra-din the generous, the kind.

Caelum and Ulm, PM with your picks, we will divide our goods amongst you. If you have a request of something you cannot yet forge, we will get it to you. We have many duplicates in addition to a few things we probably forgot to put on the list.
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Old April 8th, 2012, 12:23 PM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Originally Posted by Nosantee View Post
Dawn of the 39th month - 14 candles remain.

Betrayal so cruel, Now that Fomoria and Hinnom are working together to continue the heinous blood sacrifice against Arcoscephale it seems our fate it sealed!

In our will we shall leave all of our possessions to... The new players whom have been most gracious to Arcoscephale! Caelum even donated a Ring of Lightning with their limited resources for us free of charge. To return, we shall forge the last artifacts and magic boosters most hastily, and bring them upon our allies in a most festive manner. Praise be to Chi'ra-din the generous, the kind.

Caelum and Ulm, PM with your picks, we will divide our goods amongst you. If you have a request of something you cannot yet forge, we will get it to you. We have many duplicates in addition to a few things we probably forgot to put on the list.
As far as betrayal goes, you know what happened. Fomorians joined the war on your side suggesting a fair division of lands, you sort of accepting it(but not really) till the last stages of the war and then saying that you don't like the suggested division thus only using us as a shield against Hinnom. Fomorians see no need to waste their lives to cover for an unthrustful ally anymore. We'd rather save Hinnom and ressurect them from the ashes so that we might cross swords with them once more on the battlefield, rather than deal with the untrustworthy little humans from Arco.

Also I would like to note something this Hinnom-Fomoria coalition does not aim for anything but the utter destruction of Arcoscephale. Both giants betrayed into sheding blood against their own kin. The web of lies and half-truths that the wretched god of Arcoscephale has been spinning will come to haunt them and will strike hard.

(personally I think giving them your Items/gems/everything might be a good idea for the balance. So go ahead

Last edited by bbz; April 8th, 2012 at 12:43 PM..
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Old April 8th, 2012, 03:33 PM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

That's odd. My sources indicate that the war in the west was first fought between Fomoria, and Hinnom. And that Arco. came to Fomoria's aid. I'd bet Arco. is regretting that decision about now.
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Old April 8th, 2012, 03:46 PM

bbz bbz is offline
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Originally Posted by Vanguard X View Post
That's odd. My sources indicate that the war in the west was first fought between Fomoria, and Hinnom. And that Arco. came to Fomoria's aid. I'd bet Arco. is regretting that decision about now.
Haha is that what it looked like,I guess you can not know since you don't have all my chat messages. Anyways I am not in a mood of explaining things but lets say I knew of arco's decision to break his nap although I stuck up to my word and declared the end of the nap between me and Hinnom. That is why I got attacked first and I lead the inital battles wheares Arco went on taking gem-rich lands at almost no cost for his armies.
As a matter of fact I think I still have the message from Arco inviting me to join him in that war. But I guess I shouldn't have trusted a guy that plans to lead war by breaking his Nap. (Well I was weary of him ever since that decision of his but I guess I was temped by the idea of territorial expansion).
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Old April 8th, 2012, 09:48 PM
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

Originally Posted by bbz View Post
Originally Posted by Vanguard X View Post
That's odd. My sources indicate that the war in the west was first fought between Fomoria, and Hinnom. And that Arco. came to Fomoria's aid. I'd bet Arco. is regretting that decision about now.
Haha is that what it looked like,I guess you can not know since you don't have all my chat messages. Anyways I am not in a mood of explaining things but lets say I knew of arco's decision to break his nap although I stuck up to my word and declared the end of the nap between me and Hinnom. That is why I got attacked first and I lead the inital battles wheares Arco went on taking gem-rich lands at almost no cost for his armies.
As a matter of fact I think I still have the message from Arco inviting me to join him in that war. But I guess I shouldn't have trusted a guy that plans to lead war by breaking his Nap. (Well I was weary of him ever since that decision of his but I guess I was temped by the idea of territorial expansion).

Ohhh, I see. Ya, that is what it looked like, and sounded like from your messages to me prior the war against Hinnom.

When you were trying to recruit me to attack Hinnom, I was under the belief that the reason you were doing it was to stop Hinnom's Dominion spread; because we were all going to die from it, etc...Needless to say, I refused.

I find it ironic, that Hinomm now has a much stronger Dominion than at any time in the history of our world, but now you decide leave Hinnom alone, and target Arco. instead.

And your reasoning for attacking Arco. is based on province count, and territory value?! You already control the most provinces in the world. That seems like a flimsy excuse being used to take advantage of the situation now that Hinnom is no longer a threat to you.

So what are you going to do about Hinnoms deadly dominion spread that you so urgently warned me of before?
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Old April 9th, 2012, 01:15 AM

Excist Excist is offline
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Default Re: The Good, the Bad intermediates and the Ugly noobs (Running)

To answer for BBZ he realized that I didn't start pushing my dominion hard until after Arco broke his NAP.

When the dom spread quickens instead of slows down and only knocks down the 4-5 candle barriers after I have less temples suddenly it makes sense that Arco was lying about the extent of my bloodsaccing as he did about a great many other things.

Such as his epic exaggeration of how many of his mages died when he waltzed through along the north side of the mountain range while I was tied up in seiges and raids with Fomoria.

20 mages, hah!

The last time I checked my Prophet was not named 'Paul Bunyan'.

...although, *note to self* that's not a bad name for a prophet next time around...

Arco lost 2 mages in magic duels and his communion fatigued maybe 2 cheap 1S mages to death.

Even in its death throes it appears the propaganda campaign is in
full bloom.

Happy Spring everybody. It appears that there is plenty of fertilizer to go around for spring planting.
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